Introduction to Front-End Development

Liferay DXP offers complete developer front-end freedom. Whether you like coding JavaScript by hand, have used Liferay’s front-end frameworks in the past, or prefer jQuery, Lodash, or modules, you can use your front-end framework of choice.

Prior users of Liferay DXP can continue to use Liferay’s venerable Alloy UI, but you can also use the front-end technologies you love the most:

  • EcmaScript ES2015+
  • Metal.js (developed by Liferay)
  • AlloyUI (developed by Liferay)
  • jQuery (included)
  • Lodash (included)

To load modules, you must know when they are needed, where they are at build time, if you want to bundle them together or load them independently, and you must assemble them at runtime. Keeping track of these tasks can be a hassle. Liferay DXP’s Loaders (YUI/AUI, AMD, and npm in AMD format) handle loading for you, so you don’t have to worry about all the details. Just provide a small bit of information about your module, and Liferay DXP’s loaders take care of the rest.

If you want to use npm packages in your applications, you can use liferay-npm-bundler. It is built for just this purpose, and even provides several presets for common module types (AMD, React, Angular JS, etc.) to save you time. It creates an OSGi bundle for you, extracts all npm dependencies, and transpiles your code for the Liferay AMD Loader.

While developing JavaScript applications for Liferay DXP, you may need to access Liferay DXP-specific information or web services. The Liferay global JavaScript Object exposes this information for you, letting you harness the power of Liferay DXP in your JavaScript applications, while still using the front-end frameworks and technologies that you love.

Lexicon and Clay

Liferay DXP uses its own design language, called Lexicon, to provide a common framework for building consistent UIs and user experiences across the Liferay product ecosystem. The web implementation of Lexicon (CSS, JS, and HTML) is called Clay. It is automatically available to application developers through a set of CSS classes or our tag library.


For templating, you can use Java EE’s JSP, FreeMarker, Google’s Soy (aka Closure Templates), or whatever else you like.


A Liferay DXP Theme provides the look and feel for a site. Themes are a combination of CSS, JavaScript, HTML, and FreeMarker templates. Although the default themes are nice, you may wish to create your own look and feel for your site.

From the Theme Builder Gradle Plugin, to the Liferay Theme Generator, to Dev Studio DXP, to Blade CLI’s Theme Template, you can choose the development tools you like best, so you can focus on creating a well designed theme.

Front-End Extensions

Liferay DXP’s modularity has many benefits for the front-end developer, in the form of development customizations and extension points. These extensions assure the stability, conformity, and future evolution of your applications.

Below are some of the available front-end extensions:

Read on to learn more.

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