Upgrading Portlets that use Service Builder

Liferay DXP 7.1 continues to use Service Builder, so you can focus on your application’s business logic instead of its persistence details. It still generates model classes, local and remote services, and persistence.

This tutorial demonstrates upgrading a Liferay Plugins SDK 6.2 portlet called Guestbook portlet (project guestbook-portlet). It’s from the Writing a Data-Driven Application section of the Liferay Portal 6.2 Learning Path Writing a Liferay MVC Application.

Figure 1: The Guestbook portlet models guestbooks and guestbook entries.

Figure 1: The Guestbook portlet models guestbooks and guestbook entries.

To get the most from this tutorial, you can download and refer to the original portlet source code and the upgraded source code.

The Guestbook portlet has the following characteristics:

  • Extends MVCPortlet
  • Separate Model, View, and Controller layers
  • Persistence by Hibernate under Service Builder
  • View layer implemented by JSPs
  • Relies on manual dependency management
  • Developed in a Liferay Plugins SDK 6.2

Upgrading most Service Builder Portlets involves these steps:

  1. Adapt the code to Liferay DXP 7.1’s API
  2. Resolve dependencies
  3. Build the services

Start by adapting the code.

1. Adapt the code to Liferay DXP 7.1’s API

Use the Liferay Upgrade Planner to update the code and resolve compilation issues quickly. Then fix any remaining compilation errors manually.

The Guestbook portlet has the following compilation error:

/html/guestbook/view.jsp(58,1) PWC6131: Attribute total invalid for tag search-container-results according to TLD

The view.jsp file specifies a tag library attribute total that doesn’t exist in Liferay DXP 7.1’s liferay-ui tag library. Notice the second attribute total.

                    guestbookId, searchContainer.getStart(),
                    guestbookId)%>" />

Remove the total attribute assignment to make the tag like this:

                    guestbookId, searchContainer.getStart(),
                    searchContainer.getEnd())%>" />

That’s the Guestbook portlet’s only compilation error you need to fix manually.

2. Resolve dependencies

Since the Guestbook portlet’s dependencies haven’t changed, there aren’t any dependencies to resolve.

If you need to adapt a portlet’s dependencies, refer to tutorial Resolving a Plugin’s Dependencies.

3. Build the services

Build the services as you did in Liferay Portal 6.2.

The Guestbook portlet’s service.xml file specifies exception class names in exception elements.

<service-builder package-path="com.liferay.docs.guestbook">

In Liferay Portal 6.2, Service Builder generates exception classes to the path attribute package-path specifies. In Liferay DXP 7.1, Service Builder generates them to [package-path]/exception.

Old path:


New path:


For example, the Guestbook portlet’s package path is com.liferay.docs.guestbook. Its exception class for exception element GuestbookName is generated to docroot/WEB-INF/service/com/liferay/docs/guestbook/exception. Classes that use the exception must import com.liferay.docs.guestbook.exception.GuestbookNameException.

Update references to your portlet’s exception classes.

Deploy the portlet as you normally would. The server prints messages indicating the following portlet status:

  • WAR processing
  • WAB startup
  • Availability to users

Deploying the Guestbook portlet produces these messages:

2018-03-21 18:23:10.032 INFO  [com.liferay.portal.kernel.deploy.auto.AutoDeployScanner][AutoDeployDir:262] Processing guestbook-portlet-
2018-03-21 18:23:15.355 INFO  [fileinstall-C:/portals/liferay-ce-portal-7.1-m1/osgi/war][BaseAutoDeployListener:43] Copying portlets for C:\portals\liferay-ce-portal-7.1-m1\tomcat-8.0.32\temp\20180321182315333UGEPAGTR\guestbook-portlet.war
2018-03-21 18:23:15.829 INFO  [fileinstall-C:/portals/liferay-ce-portal-7.1-m1/osgi/war][BaseDeployer:876] Deploying guestbook-portlet.war
2018-03-21 18:23:17.797 INFO  [fileinstall-C:/portals/liferay-ce-portal-7.1-m1/osgi/war][BaseAutoDeployListener:50] Portlets for C:\portals\liferay-ce-portal-7.1-m1\tomcat-8.0.32\temp\20180321182315333UGEPAGTR\guestbook-portlet.war copied successfully
2018-03-21 18:23:19.621 INFO  [fileinstall-C:/portals/liferay-ce-portal-7.1-m1/osgi/war][HotDeployImpl:226] Deploying guestbook-portlet from queue
2018-03-21 18:23:19.621 INFO  [fileinstall-C:/portals/liferay-ce-portal-7.1-m1/osgi/war][PluginPackageUtil:1003] Reading plugin package for guestbook-portlet
2018-03-21 18:23:19.642 INFO  [fileinstall-C:/portals/liferay-ce-portal-7.1-m1/osgi/war][ServiceComponentLocalServiceImpl:598] Running GB SQL scripts
21-Mar-2018 18:23:19.669 INFO [fileinstall-C:/portals/liferay-ce-portal-7.1-m1/osgi/war] org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext.log Initializing Spring root WebApplicationContext
2018-03-21 18:23:20.066 INFO  [fileinstall-C:/portals/liferay-ce-portal-7.1-m1/osgi/war][PortletHotDeployListener:186] Registering portlets for guestbook-portlet
2018-03-21 18:23:20.271 INFO  [fileinstall-C:/portals/liferay-ce-portal-7.1-m1/osgi/war][PortletHotDeployListener:298] 1 portlet for guestbook-portlet is available for use
2018-03-21 18:23:20.468 INFO  [fileinstall-C:/portals/liferay-ce-portal-7.1-m1/osgi/war][BundleStartStopLogger:35] STARTED guestbook-portlet_7.1.0.1 [657]

The portlet is now available on Liferay DXP.

Congratulations on upgrading and deploying a portlet that uses Service Builder.

Migrating Plugins SDK Projects to Workspace and Gradle

Using Dependency Management Tools

Using the WAB Generator

Migrating Data Upgrade Processes

« Upgrading a Liferay MVC PortletUpgrading a Liferay JSF Portlet »
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