Refactoring the Prototype
Step 6 of 6
You’ve created a complete data-driven application from the back-end to the display. It’s a great time to review how everything connects together.
The Entry
First, you defined your model in Service Builder’s configuration file,
. The main part of this is your Entry
<entity local-service="true" name="Entry" uuid="true">
<!-- PK fields -->
<column name="entryId" primary="true" type="long" />
<!-- Group instance -->
<column name="groupId" type="long" />
<!-- Audit fields -->
<column name="companyId" type="long" />
<column name="userId" type="long" />
<column name="userName" type="String" />
<column name="createDate" type="Date" />
<column name="modifiedDate" type="Date" />
<column name="name" type="String" />
<column name="email" type="String" />
<column name="message" type="String" />
<column name="guestbookId" type="long" />
<finder name="G_G" return-type="Collection">
<finder-column name="groupId" />
<finder-column name="guestbookId" />
Next, you created a service implementation in EntryLocalServiceImpl
defined how to get and store the entry. Every field you defined was accounted
for in the addEntry
public Entry addEntry(long userId, long guestbookId, String name, String email,
String message, ServiceContext serviceContext)
throws PortalException {
long groupId = serviceContext.getScopeGroupId();
User user = userLocalService.getUserById(userId);
Date now = new Date();
validate(name, email, message);
long entryId = counterLocalService.increment();
Entry entry = entryPersistence.create(entryId);
return entry;
Notice that all the fields you described in Service Builder (including things
like the uuid
) are present here.
You also added ways to get entries:
public List<Entry> getEntries(long groupId, long guestbookId) {
return entryPersistence.findByG_G(groupId, guestbookId);
public List<Entry> getEntries(
long groupId, long guestbookId, int start, int end, OrderByComparator<Entry> obc) {
return entryPersistence.findByG_G(groupId, guestbookId, start, end, obc);
public List<Entry> getEntries(long groupId, long guestbookId, int start, int end)
throws SystemException {
return entryPersistence.findByG_G(groupId, guestbookId, start, end);
In service.xml
you defined groupId
and guestbookId
as the two finder
fields, and in these methods you called methods generated to the persistence
After you implemented all that, Service Builder propagated your implementation to the interfaces, so they could be called. Then, in the portlet class, you created references to the service classes that Service Builder generated, and used those references to access the service to add an entry:
_entryLocalService.addEntry( serviceContext.getUserId(), guestbookId,
userName, email,message, serviceContext);
Finally, you wrapped all this up in a user interface that lets users enter the information they want, and displays the data they’ve entered.
Now that you’ve built the application, and you can see a clear picture of how it all works, it’s time to test it.
Deploying and Testing the Application
Drag and drop the
module onto the server. -
Drag and drop the
module onto the server. -
Look for the STARTED messages from the console.
Go to your Liferay DXP instance at
in your browser to test your updated application. -
Click Add Entry.
Enter a Name, Message, and Email Address.
Click Submit.
Verify that your entry appears.
Figure 1: Your first guestbook and entry appears. Nice job!
What’s Next?
You’ve created a working web application and deployed it on Liferay DXP. If you’ve created web applications before, though, you know that it’s missing some important features: security, front-end validation, and an interface for administrators to create multiple guestbooks per portlet. In the next section, you’ll begin adding these features.