Obtaining an OSGi bundle's Dependency npm Package Descriptors

While writing your npm portlet, you may need to reference a dependency package or its modules. For instance, you can retrieve an npm dependency package module’s CSS file and use it in your portlet. The NPMResolver OSGi component provides two methods for retrieving an OSGi bundle’s dependency npm package descriptors: getDependencyJSPackage() to retrieve dependency npm packages and resolveModuleName() to retrieve dependency npm modules. This tutorial references the package.json below to help demonstrate these methods:

	"dependencies": {
		"react": "15.6.2",
		"react-dom": "15.6.2"

To obtain an OSGi bundle’s npm dependency package, pass the package’s name in as the getDependencyJSPackage() method’s argument. The example below resolves the react dependency package:

String reactResolvedId = npmResolver.getDependencyJSPackage("react");

reactResolvedId’s resulting value is react@15.6.2.

You can use the resolveModuleName() method To obtain a module in an npm dependency package. To do this, pass the module’s relative path in as the resolveModuleName() method’s argument. The example below resolves a module named react-with-addons for the react dependency package:

String resolvedModule = 

The resolvedModule variable evaluates to react@15.6.2/dist/react-with-addons. You can also use this to reference static resources inside npm packages (like CSS or image files), as shown in the example below:

String cssPath = npmResolver.resolveModuleName(

Now you know how to obtain an OSGi bundle’s dependency npm packages descriptors!

Referencing an npm Module’s Package

The Structure of OSGi Bundles Containing npm Packages

How Liferay DXP Publishes npm Packages

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