Running Service Builder

This tutorial demonstrates how to run Service Builder. If want to use Service Builder in your application but haven’t yet created a service.xml file that defines an object-relational map for you application, make sure to do so before proceeding with this tutorial.

There are two ways to build services from a service.xml file:

Liferay Dev Studio DXP is demonstrated first.

Using Liferay Dev Studio

From the Package Explorer, right-click on your service module and then select Liferaybuild-service.

Figure 1: Liferay Dev Studio DXP facilitates building Service Builder services via the build-service option in the service modules Liferay submenu.

Figure 1: Liferay Dev Studio DXP facilitates building Service Builder services via the *build-service* option in the service module's *Liferay* submenu.

Service Builder generates plenty of files. You can run Service Builder from the command line too.

Using the Command Line

Open a command line and navigate to your application folder (the folder that contains your *-api and *-service modules).

To build your services using Gradle, enter the following command:

blade gw buildService  


gradlew buildService

Blade’s gw command works in any project that has a Gradle Wrapper available to it–projects generated using Liferay project templates have a Gradle Wrapper.

If you’re using Maven, build the services by running the following command:

mvn service-builder:build

Important: The mvn service-builder:build command only works if you’re using the plugin version 1.0.145+. Maven projects using an earlier version of the Service Builder plugin should update their POM accordingly. More information is available on using Maven to run Service Builder.

On successfully building the services, Service Builder prints the message BUILD SUCCESSFUL. Many generated files appear in your project. They represent a model layer, service layer, and persistence layer for your entities. Don’t worry about the number of generated files–they’re explained in the next tutorial. Its time to review the code Service Builder generates for your entities.

« Defining Service Entity Finder MethodsUnderstanding the Code Generated by Service Builder »
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