Developing Staged Model Data Handlers

There are two types of data handlers you can implement: Portlet Data Handlers and Staged Model Data Handlers. For more information on the fundamentals behind Liferay’s data handlers and how a LAR file is constructed, see the Understanding Data Handlers tutorial. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a Staged Model Data Handler for a Bookmarks application.

A Staged Model Data Handler supplies information about a staged model (entity) to the Export/Import framework, defining a display name for the UI, deleting an entity, etc. It’s also responsible for exporting referenced content. For example, if a Bookmarks entry resides in a Bookmarks folder, the BookmarksEntry staged model data handler invokes the export of the BookmarksFolder.

This tutorial assumes you’ve already created staged models. The Bookmarks application has two staged models: entries and folders. Creating data handlers for these two entities is similar, so you’ll examine how this is done for Bookmark entries.

  1. Create a new package in your existing Service Builder project for your data handler classes. For instance, the Bookmarks application’s data handler classes reside in the bookmarks-service module’s package.

  2. Create a -StagedModelDataHandler class in the package. The staged model data handler class should extend the BaseStagedModelDataHandler class and the entity type should be specified as its parameter. You can see how this was done for the BookmarksEntryStagedModelDataHandler class below:

    public class BookmarksEntryStagedModelDataHandler
        extends BaseStagedModelDataHandler<BookmarksEntry> {
  3. Create an @Component annotation section above the class declaration. This annotation is responsible for registering the class as a staged model data handler similar to the portlet data handler.

    @Component(immediate = true, service = StagedModelDataHandler.class)

    The immediate element directs the container to activate the component immediately once its provided module has started. The service element should point to the StagedModelDataHandler.class interface.

  4. Create a getter and setter method for the local service of the staged model for which you want to provide a data handler:

    protected BookmarksEntryLocalService getBookmarksEntryLocalService() {
        return _bookmarksEntryLocalService;
    @Reference(unbind = "-")
    protected void setBookmarksEntryLocalService(
        BookmarksEntryLocalService bookmarksEntryLocalService) {
        _bookmarksEntryLocalService = bookmarksEntryLocalService;
    private BookmarksEntryLocalService _bookmarksEntryLocalService;

    These methods are used to link this data handler with the staged model for bookmark entries.

    Important: Liferay DXP’s official Bookmarks app does not use local services in its staged model data handlers; instead, it uses the StagedModelRepository framework. This is a new framework, but is a viable option when setting up your staged model data handlers. For more information on this, see the Providing Entity-Specific Local Services for Staging tutorial section. Since local services are more widely used in custom apps, this tutorial covers those instead.

  5. You must provide the class names of the models the data handler tracks. You can do this by overriding the StagedModelDataHandler’s getClassnames() method:

    public static final String[] CLASS_NAMES = {BookmarksEntry.class.getName()};
    public String[] getClassNames() {
        return CLASS_NAMES;

    As a best practice, you should have one staged model data handler per staged model. It’s possible to use multiple class types, but this is not recommended.

  6. Add a method that retrieves the staged model’s display name:

    public String getDisplayName(BookmarksEntry entry) {
        return entry.getName();

    The display name is presented with the progress bar during the export/import process.

    Figure 1: Your staged model data handler provides the display name in the Export/Import UI.

    Figure 1: Your staged model data handler provides the display name in the Export/Import UI.

  7. A staged model data handler should ensure everything required for its operation is also exported. For example, in the Bookmarks application, an entry requires its folder to keep the folder structure intact. Therefore, the folder should be exported first followed by the entry.

    Add methods that import and export your staged model and its references.

    protected void doExportStagedModel(
            PortletDataContext portletDataContext, BookmarksEntry entry)
        throws Exception {
        if (entry.getFolderId() !=
                BookmarksFolderConstants.DEFAULT_PARENT_FOLDER_ID) {
                portletDataContext, entry, entry.getFolder(),
        Element entryElement = portletDataContext.getExportDataElement(entry);
            entryElement, ExportImportPathUtil.getModelPath(entry), entry);
    protected void doImportStagedModel(
            PortletDataContext portletDataContext, BookmarksEntry entry)
        throws Exception {
        Map<Long, Long> folderIds =
            (Map<Long, Long>)portletDataContext.getNewPrimaryKeysMap(
        long folderId = MapUtil.getLong(
            folderIds, entry.getFolderId(), entry.getFolderId());
        ServiceContext serviceContext =
        BookmarksEntry importedEntry = null;
        if (portletDataContext.isDataStrategyMirror()) {
            BookmarksEntry existingEntry =
                _bookmarksEntryLocalService. fetchBookmarksEntryByUuidAndGroupId(
                    entry.getUuid(), portletDataContext.getScopeGroupId());
            if (existingEntry == null) {
                importedEntry = _bookmarksEntryLocalService.addEntry(					
                  userId, portletDataContext.getScopeGroupId(), folderId, entry.getName(), entry.getUrl(), entry.getDescription(), serviceContext);
            else {
                importedEntry = _bookmarksEntryLocalService.updateEntry(
                    userId, existingEntry.getEntryId(), portletDataContext.getScopeGroupId(), folderId, entry.getName(), entry.getUrl(), entry.getDescription(),	serviceContext);
        else {
            importedEntry = _bookmarksEntryLocalService.addEntry(userId, portletDataContext.getScopeGroupId(), folderId,entry.getName(), entry.getUrl(), entry.getDescription(),	serviceContext);
        portletDataContext.importClassedModel(entry, importedEntry);

    The doExportStagedModel method retrieves the Bookmark entry’s data element from the PortletDataContext and then adds the class model characterized by that data element to the PortletDataContext. The PortletDataContext is used to populate the LAR file with your application’s data during the export process. Note that once an entity has been exported, subsequent calls to the export method won’t actually repeat the export process multiple times, ensuring optimal performance.

    An important feature of the import process is that all exported reference elements in the Bookmarks example are automatically imported when needed. The doImportStagedModel method does not need to import the reference elements manually; it must only find the new assigned ID for the folder before importing the entry.

    The PortletDataContext keeps this information and a slew of other data up-to-date during the import process. The old ID and new ID mapping can be reached by using the portletDataContext.getNewPrimaryKeysMap() method as shown in the example. The method proceeds with checking the import mode (e.g., Copy As New or Mirror) and, depending on the process configuration and existing environment, the entry is either added or updated.

  8. When importing a LAR (i.e., publishing to the live Site), the import process expects all of an entity’s references to be available and validates their existence.

    For example, if you republish an updated bookmarks folder to the live Site and did not include some of its existing entries in the publication, these entries are considered missing references. A more practical example of this would be an image included in a web content article. If the image included in the web content lives on a different Site (i.e., the image is contained in a different group) or was not included in the publication process, it’s considered a missing reference of the web content article.

    Since you have references from two separate Sites with differing IDs, the system can’t match them during publication. For example, suppose you export a bookmark entry as a missing reference with a primary key (ID) of 1. When importing that information, the LAR only provides the ID but not the entry itself. Therefore, during the import process, the Data Handler framework searches for the entry to replace by its UUID, but the entry to replace has a different ID (primary key) of 2. You must provide a way to handle these missing references.

    To do this, you must add a method that maps the missing reference’s primary key from the export to the existing primary key during import. Since the reference’s UUID is constant across systems, it’s used to complete the mapping of differing primary keys. Note that a reference can only be missing on the live Site if it has already been published previously. Therefore, when publishing a bookmarks folder for the first time, the system doesn’t check for missing references.

    Add this method to your class:

    protected void doImportMissingReference(
            PortletDataContext portletDataContext, String uuid, long groupId,
            long entryId)
        throws Exception {
        BookmarksEntry existingEntry = fetchMissingReference(uuid, groupId);
        if (existingEntry == null) {
        Map<Long, Long> entryIds =
            (Map<Long, Long>)portletDataContext.getNewPrimaryKeysMap(
        entryIds.put(entryId, existingEntry.getEntryId());

    This method maps the existing staged model to the old ID in the reference element. When a reference is exported as missing, the Data Handler framework calls this method during the import process and updates the new primary key map in the portlet data context.

Fantastic! You’ve created a data handler for your staged model. The Export/Import framework can now track your entity’s behavior and data. Be sure to also implement a portlet data handler to manage portlet specific data. See the Developing Portlet Data Handlers. to do this for the Bookmarks app.

« Developing Portlet Data HandlersProviding Entity-Specific Local Services for Staging »
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