Your modules often must use Java classes from packages exported by other modules. When a module is set up to import, the OSGi framework finds other registered modules that export the needed packages and wires them to the importing module. At run time, the importing module gets the class from the wired module that exports the class’s package.
For this to happen, a module must specify the Import-Package
OSGi manifest
header with a comma-separated list of the Java packages it needs. For example,
if a module needs classes from the javax.portlet
packages, it must specify them like so:
Import-Package: javax.portlet,com.liferay.portal.kernel.util,*
The *
character represents all packages that the module refers to explicitly. Bnd detects the referenced packages.
Import packages must sometimes be specified manually, but not always. Conveniently, Liferay DXP project templates and tools automatically detect the packages a module uses and add them to the package imports in the module JAR’s manifest. Here are the different package import scenarios:
Let’s explore how package imports are specified in these scenarios.
Automatic Package Import Generation
Gradle and Maven module projects
created using
Blade CLI,
Liferay’s Maven archetypes,
Liferay Dev Studio DXP
On building such a project’s module JAR, bnd detects the packages the module
uses and generates a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
file whose Import-Package
specifies the packages.
For example, suppose you’re developing a Liferay module using Maven or Gradle.
In most cases, you specify your module’s dependencies in your pom.xml
file. At build time, the Maven or Gradle bundle plugin reads your
or build.gradle
file and bnd adds the required Import-Package
headers to your module JAR’s META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
Here’s an example dependencies section from a module’s build.gradle
dependencies {
compileOnly group: "com.liferay.portal", name: "com.liferay.portal.kernel", version: "2.0.0"
compileOnly group: "javax.portlet", name: "portlet-api", version: "2.0"
compileOnly group: "org.osgi", name: "org.osgi.service.component.annotations", version: "1.3.0"
And here’s the Import-Package
header that’s generated in the module JAR’s
Import-Package: com.liferay.portal.kernel.portlet.bridges.mvc;version=
Note that your build file need only specify JAR file dependencies. bnd examines your module’s class path to determine which packages from those JAR files contain classes your application uses and imports the packages. The examination includes all classes found in the class path–even those from embedded third party library JARs.
Regarding classes used by a traditional Liferay plugin WAR,
Liferay’s WAB Generator
detects their use in the WAR’s JSPs, descriptor files, and classes (in
and embedded JARs). The WAB Generator searches the web.xml
, portlet.xml
, liferay-portlet.xml
, and liferay-hook.xml
descriptor files. It adds package imports for classes that are neither found in
the plugin’s WEB-INF/classes
folder nor in embedded JARs.
Manually Adding Package Imports
The WAB Generator and bnd don’t add package imports for classes referenced in these places:
- Unrecognized descriptor file
- Custom or unrecognized descriptor element or attribute
- Reflection code
- Class loader code
In such cases, you must manually determine these packages and specify an Import-Package
OSGi header that includes these packages and the packages that Bnd detects automatically. The Import-Package
header belongs in the location appropriate to your project type:
Project type | Import-Package header location |
Module (uses bnd) | [project]/bnd.bnd |
Module (doesn’t use bnd) | [module JAR]/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF |
Traditional Liferay plugin WAR | WEB-INF/ |
Here’s an example of adding a package called
to the list of referenced packages that Bnd detects automatically:
Please see the Import-Package
header documentation for more information.
Congratulations! Now you can import all kinds of packages for your modules and plugins to use.