Creating Pages

After you create a Site, you can add new pages and maintain them. You can do everything you need with pages from Site Administration.

  1. If you’re not currently on the Site you want to edit, click the Site Selector button (Compass) next to your current Site name in the Menu and select your desired Site.

  2. Go to Site AdministrationBuild.

  3. Click on Site Pages

Figure 1: The Sites Pages page allows you to edit your Site pages as a whole.

Figure 1: The Sites Pages page allows you to edit your Site pages as a whole.

From here, you’ll create pages and page templates.

From Site Pages you can do several things:

  1. Click the + button in the top right corner to add a new page.

  2. Click options icons manage page or page set settings.

  3. Create child pages by clicking the + button next to an existing page.

Figure 2: Understanding the options on Site Pages.

Figure 2: Understanding the options on Site Pages.

Adding a child page creates child pages in the hierarchy below the page you’ve selected. You can nest pages as deep as you like.

Once you’ve clicked the + icon to add a page, you’re asked to select the type of page you are creating. There are two top options followed by other page types:

Widget: Creates a page with a layout template that defines a number of rows and columns for adding widgets to your page.

Content: Creates a Content Page with inline editing based on Fragments.

Below those you have other options:

Full Page Application: Creates a page that displays a single full page application.

Page Set: Creates a container for subpages that is not actually a page itself.

Link to a Page of this Site: Links to a page within the same Site. This is often used to make a page available in multiple parts of a Sites hierarchy.

Panel: A page containing any number of applications as selected by an administrator, but only one is displayed at a time. Users select the portlet they want to use from a menu on the left side of the page, and the selected portlet takes up the entire page.

Embedded: Displays content from another website inside your instance. An administrator can set a URL from the page management interface and that page appears in the context and within the navigation of your Liferay instance. To embed an external website, you must provide the protocol in the URL (e.g.

Link to URL: Creates a link to any URL. This could be an external page or a link across Sites in the same Liferay instance.

To the left, under Collections, you can choose to view the basic page types or a collection of page templates. By default, only Global Templates appears, but additional collections you create appear here as well.

Figure 3: You must select a page type when adding pages.

Figure 3: You must select a page type when adding pages.

After you’ve added a page, it may be difficult to track what kind of page you’re currently viewing. The page type appears at the top of the page to help you determine the administration options you have and where you need to go to configure the page.

Figure 4: Here are three different page with three different types as they as displayed in the heading.

Figure 4: Here are three different page with three different types as they as displayed in the heading.

Now that you know the basics of adding pages, you can start working on the Lunar Resort Site. If you’re not currently on the right Site, navigate to Site Administration in the Menu, select the compass icon next to the current Site name, and select the Site you wish to edit.

If you must ever modify the page you’ve created for your Site, select Configure from the Options menu for the page from Site Pages. When configuring a specific page, you have more options than when you were creating a new page. You can also read Configuring Sites.

There are also configuration options that are only available for individual pages or page groups only. You’ll learn about options available for both instances.

Next, you’ll look at creating the main page types you’ll use in Liferay.

« Adding Pages to SitesPage Types and Templates »
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