Do you want to import one or more Liferay projects into your Liferay IDE
workspace from a Liferay Plugins SDK? Liferay IDE makes it easy. Don’t worry if
the projects already contain .project
or .classpath
files, the process used
in this tutorial assures they get imported into your workspace.
First, consider the steps for importing a single Liferay project from a Plugins SDK project into your workspace.
Importing a Single Project
For these steps, it’s assumed that you haven’t yet configured your Plugins SDK in Liferay IDE:
In Liferay IDE, go to File → New → Project… → Liferay → Liferay Project from Existing Source.
You can invoke the same wizard from the Liferay shortcut bar; just click the New button and select Liferay Project from Existing Source.
Figure 2.12: As an alternative to clicking *File* → *New* to create a new Liferay project from an existing source, you can click the button shown above from Liferay IDE's shortcut bar.
In the New Liferay Project window, click the Browse button and navigate to the project folder of the plugin you’d like to import. The project folder must be a subfolder of one of the SDK’s plugin type folders (e.g.,
, etc); otherwise, Liferay IDE reports an error message stating that your Liferay project location is invalid.On selecting the plugin project folder, the Liferay plugin type and Liferay plugin SDK version values are updated. If your Plugins SDK is outdated or you entered an incorrect project type, its field gets marked with an error.
Select the Liferay target runtime for the plugin project. If you don’t have a Liferay Portal Runtime, use the New… button to create one now.
Click Finish to complete the import.
You’ve imported your Liferay project into your workspace!
Importing Multiple Projects
Next, you’ll learn how to import multiple projects from a Liferay Plugins SDK you’ve already set up in Liferay IDE. Follow these steps:
In Liferay IDE, go to File → Import… → Liferay → Liferay Projects from Plugins SDK.
Figure 2.13: To import projects from a Plugins SDK, choose *Liferay Projects from Plugins SDK* from the Import menu.
In the Import Liferay Projects window, use the dropdown list to select the Liferay Plugins SDK from which you’re importing plugins.
Liferay IDE automatically fills in the Liferay Plugin SDK Location and Liferay Plugin SDK Version fields, as long as they’re valid; invalid entries are marked with errors.
The list of projects that are available for import are displayed in a list. Any projects already in the workspace are disabled. Projects available for import have an empty check box. Select each project you’d like to import.
Select the Liferay runtime for the imported projects. If you don’t have a Liferay runtime, you can add one now by clicking the New… button.
Click Finish.
Congratulations on importing multiple Liferay projects into your workspace!
Related Topics
Verifying Successful Project Import
Setting Up Liferay Maven Facets in Existing Liferay Maven Plugin Projects