Social bookmarks in Liferay let users share portal content on social networks. When social bookmarks are enabled, a row of icons appears below the content that lets users share it with Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus. You’ve probably seen this before in some of Liferay’s built-in portlets. The Blogs portlet is a good example. The row of share icons appears below each blog entry in the portlet.
Since each piece of content in a portlet is an asset, your portlet needs to be asset enabled before you can add social bookmarks.
Users naturally want to share the greatest of insults with the world! To help demonstrate this feature, a custom Insults portlet is used in this tutorial’s examples. You can find the Insults portlet complete with social bookmarks enabled on Github.
You can show social bookmarks in your portlet’s view of your custom entity or, if you’ve implemented asset rendering, you can show social bookmarks in the full content view in an Asset Publisher portlet.
As an example, the Insult portlet’s view JSP file
shows an insult entity with the social bookmarks asset feature.
In your entity’s view JSP, you can use ParamUtil
to get the entity’s ID
from the renderRequest
. Then you can create an entity object using your
long insultId = ParamUtil.getLong(renderRequest, "insultId");
Insult ins = InsultLocalServiceUtil.getInsult(insultId);
Now you need to add the social bookmark component. This is done with the
tag. Here’s the liferay-ui:social-bookmarks
for the Insults portlet:
title="<%= ins.getInsultString() %>"
url="<%= PortalUtil.getCanonicalURL((PortalUtil.getCurrentURL(request)), themeDisplay, layout) %>"
There are a some things to take note of in this tag. When displayStyle
is set
to horizontal
, the flags indicating the number of shares for each button are
positioned to the right. This is the case in the above screenshot. Setting
to vertical
positions the flags above each share button.
The target
attribute is the HTML target for the link. Setting it to _blank
opens a new browser tab or window. The title
attribute is sent to the social
service and becomes part of the link you create there, as does the URL.
Also, the specific URL of the shared content on your site is set with url
. The
URL for viewing the content is retrieved using PortalUtil
Now you have a JSP that lets your users share content in your portlet.
If you haven’t already connected your portlet’s view to the JSP for your entity, you can refer here to see how to connect your portlet’s main view JSP to your entity’s view JSP.
Now redeploy your portlet and refresh the page so that the your plugin’s UI reloads. The social bookmarks UI component now shows in your entity’s view.
Great! Now you know how to let users share content in your asset enabled portlets.
Another thing you might want to do is perform permissions checks to control
who can rate content. For example, the Add Insult and
Permissions buttons of the Insults portlet are wrapped in a permissions check in
For more information on this, see the Learning Path
Checking for Permissions in the UI.
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