You can use Developer Studio to edit workflow scripts; it recognizes multiple script languages, so you can choose one you’re comfortable with. Developer Studio provides you many script editing features so you can quickly implement business logic in your workflows.
Developer Studio supports several script languages:
- Beanshell
- Drl
- Groovy
- JavaScript
- Python
- Ruby
Let’s dive back into our ticket-process
workflow definition and create a
script. It’s not guaranteed that every ticket submitted has a resolution. If the
issue was due to a silly user error, there’s no reason to change the product. In
such cases the developer will resolve the ticket and indicate there is no
resolution in the product (i.e., no modifications are were made). Regardless,
we’ll have the developer fill out an online Dynamic Data List (DDL; see the tutorial on Publsihing and Configuring Workflow) form to
initiate a workflow for each of her tickets. Once the workflow is invoked, its
associated DDL record is accessible from our workflow’s context. Let’s use a
condition node to handle the ticket based on the DDL record.
To set up the workflow process we described above, we’ll need to add a Condition node and two transitions.
Drag and drop a Condition node onto your workflow diagram. A Create New Condition Node menu should appear.
Name the node Resolution.
Choose a script language for the condition node. Select Groovy and you’ll see how easy it is to embed Java code. In our Groovy script, we’ll access the DDL record to determine whether the ticket warrants a modification to the product. If it does, we’ll assign it to a developer via the Developer task node. Otherwise we’ll end the workflow by transitioning to the workflow’s EndNode.
From the Create New Condition Node menu, add two transitions–one to the Developer node and the other to the EndNode state. We’ll add the transition to the Developer node first.
Click the green plus sign and select Existing Node from the menu. An entry for the transition appears in the named list of Condition transitions.
Click the browse icon in the entry and select the Developer node.
Add a transition to the EndNode state in the same manner that added the transition to the Developer node in the previous step.
Click Finish.
Here’s a snapshot of the Create New Condition Node menu configured for the ticket process workflow.
Figure 1: When creating a condition node, you can set your preferred script language, name, and condition transitions.
Before adding a script to our condition node, let’s make some changes to our workflow transitions:
- Add a transition from the Developer task node to the Pass To QA fork node.
- Add a transition from the StartNode state node to the Resolution condition node.
- Delete the transition that currently connects the StartNode state node to the Developer task node.
- Delete the transition that currently connects the Developer task node to the EndNode.
To add a transition from one node to another, do the following:
Click the transition icon from the palette. Your pointer’s icon shows as a plug indicating you are in connector mode.
Select a node on your workflow diagram from which the transition will start. A dotted line appears with one end connected to the selected node and the other end following your pointer.
Select a node to which the transition will end. The dotted line changes into a fixed ray with the arrow pointing to the transition’s end node.
To exit connector mode, hit Escape on your keyboard and click your pointer at empty space in your workflow diagram.
You may notice the error marking on the condition node. When you hover over the marking, a hint indicates a script must be specified for the node.
Open the script editor for your Resolution condition node by doing one of the following:
- Select the node and click Edit Script from the Script tab of the Properties view.
- Click the Edit Script tool from the node’s floating palette.
- Right-click the node and select Edit Script.
We set our default script language to Groovy, so the Java/Groovy editor appears.
To learn more about the Groovy editor, see the Groovy User Guide.
If you set the script language to another language, the editor for that specific
language appears. The editor runs in the context of editing the specific node
you selected. Anything you type in the script editor for this condition node is
written inside the <script></script>
tags for the <condition/>
element that
represents our node in our workflow definition’s XML file (in our case,
The Palette view is much different from when you were working in the workflow diagram; it’s associated with your Java/Groovy script editor now and includes folders containing the following entities for your script:
- Context Variables
- Dynamic Data Lists
- Roles
- Scripts
- Status Updates
You can expand and collapse a folder by clicking its name bar.
Here’s a snapshot of the palette with the Context Variables folder open:
Figure 2: Each script editor is associated with a palette that contains helpful snippets of code you can insert.
Drag and drop an entity from your palette onto your Java/Groovy editor and code representing that entity appears in the editor. The inserted code is free of compile errors and warnings because the editor is running in the context of Liferay Portal. All of the Liferay Portal APIs are available to you. In the editor you can invoke code-assist and access built in Kaleo workflow variables.
Let’s get the DDL record that’s being worked on in our workflow process. We’ll
need the serviceContext
entity, under Context Variables
in the palette. To
learn more about Service Context and its parameters, see Chapter 6.
Let’s use Designer’s palette features in conjunction with our Java/Groovy editor to implement our condition:
Drag and drop the serviceContext entity from the Context Variables folder in your palette onto the script editor. This grabs the Service Context.
Drag and drop the ddlRecord entity from the Dynamic Data Lists folder in your palette onto the script editor. We get the
from the Service Context and use that ID to look up the DDL record via Liferay service utilityDDLRecordLocalServiceUtil
Append the following Java code to the DDLRecordLocalServiceUtil
Field field = ddlRecord.getField("status");
String status = GetterUtil.getString(field.getValue());
if (status.contains("not")) {
returnValue = "No"
else {
returnValue = "Yes"
We’re pulling out the status from the DDL record and returning a value indicating “Yes” to continue fixing the ticket issue or “No” to transition to the workflow’s end state.
Add the following to the script’s imports to finish things up:
Now the script accurately implements the condition logic we want. As a
reminder, all of the code was injected into our workflow’s XML file within the
element that represents our condition node. Here’s what this
block of XML looks like, including the Java in our Groovy script:
<script><![CDATA[import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.GetterUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.workflow.WorkflowConstants;
import com.liferay.portal.service.ServiceContext;
import com.liferay.portlet.dynamicdatalists.model.DDLRecord;
import com.liferay.portlet.dynamicdatalists.service.DDLRecordLocalServiceUtil;
long companyId = GetterUtil.getLong((String) workflowContext.get(WorkflowConstants.CONTEXT_COMPANY_ID));
ServiceContext serviceContext = (ServiceContext) workflowContext.get(WorkflowConstants.CONTEXT_SERVICE_CONTEXT);
long classPK = GetterUtil.getLong((String)workflowContext.get(WorkflowConstants.CONTEXT_ENTRY_CLASS_PK));
DDLRecord ddlRecord = DDLRecordLocalServiceUtil.getRecord(classPK);
Field field = ddlRecord.getField("status");
String status = GetterUtil.getString(field.getValue());
if (status.contains("not")) {
returnValue = "No"
else {
returnValue = "Yes"
Here’s a snapshot of our current ticket process workflow after inserting the condition node. If your transition names don’t match the ones in this screenshot, you can change them by simply double clicking the transition names and editing them.
Figure 3: The ticket process workflow after inserting the condition node.
We need to create a valid DDL record to invoke this workflow properly. If you’ve never set up a DDL record before, or don’t even know what a DDL does, don’t fret. We’ve got you covered in the tutorial on Publishing and Configuring Workflows.
Next, you might want to look at the tutorial on leveraging template editors for notifications.