Enabling your app’s entities to support workflow is so easy, you could do it in your sleep (but don’t try). Workflow enabled (Workflown? Workflowed? Workflowized?) entities require a workflow handler class to interact with Liferay’s workflow back end and the entity’s service layer. They also have some extra fields in their database table that help keep track of their status. Service Builder is used to create those fields. After that, the service layer needs updating. It needs code to populate the new fields when entities are added to the database, it needs to send the entity through Liferay’s workflow, and it needs to handle the workflow status of the entity when it’s returned by the workflow.
Creating a Workflow Handler
Workflow handlers are your application’s way of interacting with the workflow
back end. They must implement the WorkflowHandler
interface. Liferay’s
abstract class, BaseWorkflowHandler
, provides a base implementation you can
leverage. Extend this class and implement only the methods not included in
public String getClassName() {
public String getType(Locale locale) {
public Object updateStatus(int status,
Map<String, Serializable> workflowContext) throws PortalException,
SystemException {
It’s most common to create the workflow handler class in a workflow
package in
your portlet’s docroot/WEB-INF/src
folder, something like this:
In this example, foo is the portlet name.
Here’s how an entire Workflow handler class (minus imports) might look:
package com.liferay.docs.foo.workflow;
public class FooEntityWorkflowHandler extends BaseWorkflowHandler {
public static final String CLASS_NAME = FooEntity.class.getName();
public String getClassName() {
return CLASS_NAME;
public String getType(Locale locale) {
return LanguageUtil.get(locale, "model.resource" + CLASS_NAME);
public Object updateStatus(int status,
Map<String, Serializable> workflowContext) throws PortalException,
SystemException {
long userId = GetterUtil.getLong(
long fooEntityId = GetterUtil.getLong(
ServiceContext serviceContext = (ServiceContext)workflowContext.get(
return FooEntityLocalServiceUtil.updateStatus(
userId, fooEntityId, status, serviceContext);
All the interesting work here is done in the updateStatus
method. It returns a
call to the local service utility’s method of the same name, so the status
returned from the workflow back end can be persisted to the entity table in the
The workflow handler needs to be registered with Liferay. This is done by adding
the <workflow-handler>
tag to liferay-portlet.xml
. This tag must contain the
fully qualified class name for a class that implements the WorkflowHandler interface
Refer to the
for the proper placement of the <workflow-handler>
tag. If you have a
declared, the workflow handler declaration goes right
after it.
To fully implement workflow, the service layer also needs updating.
Updating the Service Layer for Workflow
There are four database fields your entity should include for workflow
purposes. Add them to each entity’s service.xml
<column name="status" type="int" />
<column name="statusByUserId" type="long" />
<column name="statusByUserName" type="String" />
<column name="statusDate" type="Date" />
Run Service Builder, and each entity now has these fields, though there’s no code for populating them. That will come later.
An entity’s service implementation class (-LocalServiceImpl
) contains
persistence code. To the addFooEntity
method, add code to set the initial
workflow status as a draft, wherever you’re now setting the other database
fields (your setter method calls, such as
Also in the addFooEntity
method, a call to the startWorkflowInstance
method of
must be made:
entry.getGroupId(), entry.getUserId(), Entry.class.getName(),
entry.getPrimaryKey(), entry, serviceContext);
The startWorkflowInstance
call goes directly before the return
The service layer should contain all calls to your persistence code. The workflow handler is going to get the workflow status back from the workflow back end, then pass it to your service layer to persist it to the database.
Create an updateStatus
method in the entity’s -LocalServiceImpl
public FooEntity updateStatus(long userId, long fooEntityId, int status,
ServiceContext serviceContext) throws PortalException,
SystemException {
User user = userLocalService.getUser(userId);
FooEntity fooEntity = getFooEntity(fooEntityId);
fooEntity.setStatusDate(new Date());
if (status == WorkflowConstants.STATUS_APPROVED) {
fooEntityId, true);
} else {
fooEntity, false);
return fooEntity;
This method is where the workflow fields are set, then persisted in the
database with a call to the persistence layer’s update
fooEntity.setStatusDate(new Date());
When the workflow status
was set initially (in addFooEntity
, if you’re into
fake code), it was just to get the initial status set as a draft for the
workflow. Once the entity is run through the workflow process the status is
returned and these fields can be properly set.
Aside from setting the database fields, the if-else block of updateStatus
worth noting. You can see the update
method is called before the if statement.
The work is done as far as the entity database is concerned. If your entity is
asset enabled, however, you might want to stop it from appearing in the Asset
Publisher unless it’s approved in the workflow. The AssetEntry
table has a
field called visible
, which marks each asset as visible, or invisible. With
the if
statement above, the display of asset enabled entities in the Asset
Publisher accounts for workflow status.
After following these steps, an entity is fully workflow enabled. Your view layer, however, likely requires some work to make sure that only approved entities are presented to the app’s users.
Updating the View Layer
Make sure that you account for the workflow status in your app’s UI. This involves creating a new finder method that accounts for workflow status, exposing the finder by creating a getter in the local service implementation, then calling the new getter method in the view layer, populating the UI with approved entities.
public List<FooEntity> getFooEntities(long groupId, int status)
throws SystemException {
return fooEntityPersistence.findByG_S(groupId,
For an example of using service Builder to create a finder that takes workflow status into account, check out the appropriate section of the Learning Path on workflow.
If your app includes an admin portlet in Liferay’s Site Administration console, consider displaying all entities, regardless of workflow status. Many of Liferay’s portlets take this approach, displaying the entities in a Search Container and including the workflow status as a column.
Figure 1: The Message Boards Admin portlet displays the workflow status of its entities.
To make your admin portlet’s Status field look like Liferay’s core portlets,
use the AlloyUI tag
in your JSP.
<liferay-ui:search-container-column-text name="status" >
<aui:workflow-status showIcon="<%= false %>" showLabel="<%= false %>"
status="<%= fooEntity.getStatus() %>" />
Now you know how to workflow enable any entities you create. Keep exploring Liferay’s workflow capabilities in this tutorial, by learning to develop your own workflow definitions, and use scripting to make them more robust.