Supporting Multiple Themes in Your Screenlet

Themes let you present the same Screenlet with a different look and feel. For example, if you have multiple apps that use the same Screenlet, you can use different Themes to match the Screenlet’s appearance to each app’s style. Each Screenlet that comes with Liferay Screens supports the use of multiple Themes. For your custom Screenlet to support different Themes, however, it must contain a View Model protocol. A View Model abstracts the Theme used to display the Screenlet, thus letting developers use other Themes. For example, note that the Screenlet class’s createInteractor method in the Screenlet creation tutorial accesses the View class (AddBookmarkView_default) directly when getting a reference to the View class:

let view = self.screenletView as! AddBookmarkView_default

This is all fine and well, except it hard codes the Theme defined by AddBookmarkView_default! To use a different Theme, you’d have to rewrite this line of code to use that Theme’s View class. This isn’t very flexible! Instead of making your Screenlet take expensive yoga classes, you can abstract the Theme’s View class via a View Model protocol.

This tutorial shows you how to add a View Model to your Screenlet. The Add Bookmark Screenlet created in the Screenlet creation tutorial is used as an example. Note that you can also follow these steps to add a View Model while creating your Screenlet.

Creating and Using a View Model

Follow these steps to add and use a View Model in your Screenlet:

  1. Create a View Model protocol that defines your Screenlet’s attributes. These attributes are the View class properties your Screenlet class uses. For example, the Screenlet class in Add Bookmark Screenlet uses the View class properties title and URL. Add Bookmark Screenlet’s View Model protocol (AddBookmarkViewModel) must therefore define variables for these properties:

     import UIKit
     @objc protocol AddBookmarkViewModel {
         var URL: String? {get}
         var title: String? {get}
  2. Conform your View class to your Screenlet’s View Model protocol. Make sure to get/set all the protocol’s properties. For example, here’s Add Bookmark Screenlet’s View Class (AddBookmarkView_default) conformed to AddBookmarkViewModel:

     import UIKit
     import LiferayScreens
     class AddBookmarkView_default: BaseScreenletView, AddBookmarkViewModel {
         @IBOutlet weak var URLTextField: UITextField?
         @IBOutlet weak var titleTextField: UITextField?
         var URL: String? {
             return URLTextField?.text
         var title: String? {
             return titleTextField?.text
  3. Create and use a View Model reference in your Screenlet class. By retrieving data from this reference instead of a direct View class reference, you can use your Screenlet with other Themes. For example, here’s the AddBookmarkScreenlet class with a viewModel property instead of a direct reference to AddBookmarkView_default. This class’s createInteractor method then uses this property to get the title and URL properties in the AddBookmarkInteractor constructor:

     //View Model reference
     var viewModel: AddBookmarkViewModel {
         return self.screenletView as! AddBookmarkViewModel
     override public func createInteractor(name name: String?, sender: AnyObject?) -> Interactor? {
         let interactor = AddBookmarkInteractor(screenlet: self,
                                                folderId: folderId,
                                                title: viewModel.title!,
                                                url: viewModel.URL!)
         // Called when the Interactor finishes succesfully
         interactor.onSuccess = {
             let bookmarkName = interactor.resultBookmarkInfo!["name"] as! String
             print("Bookmark \"\(bookmarkName)\" saved!")
         // Called when the Interactor finishes with an error
         interactor.onFailure = { _ in
             print("An error occurred saving the bookmark")
         return interactor

That’s it! Now your Screenlet is ready to use other Themes that you create for it. See the tutorial Creating iOS Themes for instructions on creating a Theme.

Creating iOS Themes

Creating iOS Screenlets

Architecture of Liferay Screens for iOS

Creating iOS List Screenlets

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