OSGi (Open Services Gateway initiative) is a framework for developing modular Java applications. OSGi implements a complete and dynamic component model. OSGi components, also called bundles, can be remotely installed, started, stopped, updated, and uninstalled without requiring the OSGi runtime to be restarted. To facilitate dependency management, each OSGi bundle must specify certain details about its Java packages and classes. Bundle life cycle management is implemented via APIs that allow for remote downloading of management policies. The service registry allows bundles to detect the addition of new services, or the removal of services, and adapt accordingly. Liferay 6.2 includes an OSGi runtime in which Liferay plugins that are packaged as OSGi bundles can run. Many Liferay services are available to Liferay’s OSGi runtime and can be invoked from Liferay OSGi plugins. In this tutorial, we explain how to create, package, and deploy custom OSGi plugins for Liferay.
Creating Liferay OSGi Plugins
OSGi web application bundles are usually distributed as JAR files. They’re
architecturally similar to standard web application archives. OSGi web
application bundles differ from standard web applications archives, however, in
that they must include additional metadata that’s required for operating in an
OSGi framework. The OSGi specification does not require a specific file
extension for web application bundles: web application bundles typically have
a .jar
extension but a .war
extension is also possible.
To create an OSGi plugin for Liferay, you need a Liferay Plugins SDK. You can
download a Plugins SDK from
www.liferay.com/downloads. Just make sure
that the Plugins SDK version matches your Liferay Portal version. Once you’ve
extracted the Plugins SDK, navigate to its shared
folder. Create a folder for
your OSGi plugin project in the shared
folder. The name of your project must
end in -shared
. E.g., create a new folder called
. In your plugin project folder, create two
Bnd is a tool that makes it easy to create OSGi bundles. See
http://bnd.bndtools.org/ for details about what
you can specify in your bnd.bnd
file. Basically, your bnd.bnd
file contains
instructions about dependency management and how to create your OSGi bundle’s
JAR file.
Your build.xml
allows your project to take advantage of the Liferay Plugins
SDK’s OSGi plugin support. Add the following code to your build.xml
, replacing
the value of the <project>
element’s name
attribute with the name of your
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="my-osgi-liferay-plugin" basedir="." default="compile">
<property name="plugin.version" value="1" />
<import file="../../build-common-osgi-plugin.xml" />
Your bnd.bnd
and build.xml
files constitute all the OSGi-specific
configuration that’s required! With these files in place, you’re ready to write
the rest of your plugin.
Packaging Liferay OSGi Plugins
When you’re ready to package your OSGi bundle, just run ant jar
from your
plugin project’s root folder (the one with the bnd.bnd
and build.mxl
that you created). The bnd .jar
in the Plugins SDK reads the instructions in
your bnd.bnd
file and creates all the files required by OSGi, including the
. Your plugin is packaged as a JAR file which is created
in the Plugins SDK’s dist
Deploying Liferay OSGi Plugins
When you’re ready to deploy your OSGi bundle, make sure that you have the
following properties set in your build.[username].properties
file in your
Plugins SDK’s root folder:
Once these properties are set, run ant deploy
from your plugin project’s root
folder. This both packages your bundle and copies it to [Liferay Home]/deploy
Liferay Portal scans the [Liferay Home]/deploy
directory for OSGi bundles, as
well as for standard Liferay plugins. When it detects an OSGi bundle, it
automatically deploys the bundle to [Liferay Home]/data/osgi/modules
. Check
your log for confirmation that Liferay found and deployed the bundle. You should
see a message like this:
18:46:50,653 INFO [com.liferay.portal.kernel.deploy.auto.AutoDeployScanner][AutoDeployDir:204] Processing my-osgi-liferay-plugin-shared- 18:46:50,655 INFO [com.liferay.portal.kernel.deploy.auto.AutoDeployScanner][ModuleAutoDeployListener:63] Copied module for …/my-osgi-liferay-plugin-shared- 18:46:50,656 INFO [com.liferay.portal.kernel.deploy.auto.AutoDeployScanner][ModuleAutoDeployListener:69] Module for …/my-osgi-liferay-plugin-shared- copied successfully. Deployment will start in a few seconds.
Finally, check your [Liferay Home]/data/osgi/modules
directory to make sure
that your bundle was successfully deployed. To customize Liferay Portal’s module
framework, including the OSGi framework’s auto deploy directories, please see
the Module Framework sections of Liferay’s portal.properties
Module Framework Properties.
For example, you can set a comma-delimited list of directories to scan for
modules to deploy, specify how to often to scan the directories for changes,
etc. Remember not to make customizations to the portal.properties
file itself
but to instead add customized properties to a portal-ext.properties
file in
your Liferay Home directory.