AlloyEditor Button Reference Guide

This reference guide provides additional information that you may find helpful while creating new buttons for AlloyEditor. In this guide provides useful information on the following topics:

  • Mixins


When creating a new button for the Alloy Editor, several mixins are available that make it easy to provide additional functionality. The available mixins, along with a brief description and a link to their API docs, are listed below:

  • ButtonActionStyle: provides applying style implementation for a button based on the applyStyle and removeStyle API of CKEDITOR
  • ButtonCommandActive: provides an isActive method to determine if a context-aware command is currently in an active state.
  • ButtonCommand: executes a command via CKEDITOR’s API
  • ButtonKeystroke: provides a keystroke prop that allows configuring a function of the instance to be invoked upon the keystroke activation.
  • ButtonCfgProps: provides a style prop and some methods to apply the resulting style and checking if it is present in a given path or selection.
  • ButtonStateClasses: decorates the domElement of a component with different CSS classes based on the current state of the element.
  • ButtonStyle: provides a style prop and some methods to apply the resulting style and checking if it is present in a given path or selection.
  • ToolbarButtons: provides a list of buttons which have to be displayed on the current toolbar depending on user preferences and given state.
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