Using LCS

Once your Liferay Portal server is connected to LCS, you can get down to the business that LCS is designed for–managing and monitoring your servers. If you’re not already there, log in with your account on This is where you’ll apply updates, view server metrics, manage environments, and more.

This article’s following sections each detail one or more of the features available in LCS:

  • What LCS Stores About Your Liferay Portal Servers: For LCS to work, the LCS servers must store certain information about your servers. Sensitive data, however, isn’t stored on the LCS servers. This section describes the data that LCS does and doesn’t store.

  • Managing LCS Users in Your Project: Learn how to manage your LCS project’s users by assigning them roles.

  • Using the Dashboard: Learn how to manage projects, environments, and servers in LCS. This includes applying fix packs, monitoring server status, viewing server metrics, and more.

  • Using Web Notifications: LCS displays web notifications that you can view by clicking the bell icon next to the user menu in the Dockbar. Learn how to manage these.

  • Managing Your LCS Account: Learn how to manage your LCS account. This includes configuring LCS to send you notification emails when specific events occur in your LCS projects, and setting general account preferences.

  • Managing Liferay EE Subscriptions: Learn how to view and manage your Liferay EE subscriptions for the servers in your LCS project.

  • Understanding Environment Tokens: Learn about the environment tokens that you use to connect your servers to LCS.

What LCS Stores About Your Liferay Portal Servers

At this point, you might be wondering what information about your servers is stored on LCS’s servers. Great question! To protect your users’ privacy, LCS only stores system-specific data. LCS doesn’t gather or store data on your users. To offer the best service possible, LCS stores the following information about your servers:

  • Patches installed on each server
  • (except sensitive data)
  • JVM metrics
  • Portal and portlet metrics
  • Cache and server metrics

Sensitive data is any key-value pair that contains usernames or passwords. For example, LCS doesn’t store the following properties because they contain sensitive data:

omniadmin.users,, ...

LCS also doesn’t store properties that end in .password, besides the following non-sensitive properties:


LCS also lets you prevent it from analyzing specific properties of your choosing. For more information on this, see the section on using environment tokens.

Now that you know what information is stored on the LCS servers, you’re ready to learn how to manage your LCS projects. This includes renaming projects and requesting membership to projects you don’t administer. You’ll also learn how to manage the users in your LCS project and assign them to the correct LCS roles.

Managing LCS Users in Your Project

The Users section of LCS is where you manage the LCS users that are part of your project. It’s here that you can grant or revoke LCS roles. To manage users, first click the Users tab just below the Dashboard tab on the upper-left of your screen.

Figure 4.7: The Users tab lets you manage the LCS users in your project.

Figure 4.7: The Users tab lets you manage the LCS users in your project.

The Users tab displays a list of the users in your project. This list includes each user’s name, email, image, LCS roles, and a Manage Roles button. Each LCS user must have an assigned role. The following roles are available:

  • LCS Administrator: All LCS functionality is available to administrators. This is the only role that can manage the roles of other users.
  • LCS Environment Manager: All LCS functionality is available in the scope of an environment, with the exception of managing other users.
  • LCS Environment Viewer: Has read-only access in the scope of an environment.

You should note that each of these LCS roles assume that the user already has the LCS User role in their account. The LCS User role is granted automatically the first time the user enters their LCS account. The actions that can be performed by each of the LCS roles are detailed in the below permissions matrix.

LCS Permissions Matrix

Action LCS Administrator LCS Environment Manager LCS Environment Viewer
Access LCStruetruetrue
Access Any Environmenttruefalsefalse
Access a Particular Environmenttruetruetrue
Manage Userstruefalsefalse
Create and Delete Environmentstruefalsefalse
Edit Any Environmenttruefalsefalse
Edit a Particular Environmenttruetruefalse
Server Registration in Any Environmenttruefalsefalse
Server Registration in a Particular Environmenttruetruefalse
Install Fix Packs in Any Environmenttruefalsefalse
Install Fix Packs in a Particular Environmenttruetruefalse

Now that you know what roles are available in an LCS project, and what they do, you’re ready to learn how to manage them.

Managing LCS Roles

Follow these steps to manage a user’s LCS roles:

  1. Click the user’s Manage Roles button.

  2. To revoke a role, click Revoke Role for that role.

  3. To assign a role, choose the role (and environment, if applicable) and click Assign.

Figure 4.8: You can assign or revoke a users LCS roles.

Figure 4.8: You can assign or revoke a user's LCS roles.

Great! Now you know how to manage users and roles in your LCS projects. Now it’s time to get to the heart of LCS: the Dashboard.

Using the Dashboard

The LCS Dashboard lets you view and manage a project’s environments and servers. If you’re not already at the Dashboard, click it near the upper left-hand corner of your LCS site. Clicking Dashboard takes you to the project view. From there, you can get to the environment view and the server view. Each of these views gives you a different look into certain aspects of your LCS project. You’ll start with the project view.

Using the Project View

You can get to the project view at any time by clicking the Dashboard tab near the upper left-hand corner of your LCS site. The project is listed to the right of this tab, with a drop-down arrow that lets you switch between projects if you have more than one. You can also switch between projects from the user menu at the top right of the Dockbar. The project view contains a Status table that lists any status messages for each server in your project. For example, a status message appears for a server when the server is offline. Status messages also appear for servers when fix packs are available, monitoring is unavailable, the patching tool is unavailable, or other events occur that relate to LCS.

Figure 4.9: The LCS project view shows an overview of your LCS project.

Figure 4.9: The LCS project view shows an overview of your LCS project.

LCS lists the environments in your project on the left side of the screen. You can also create new environments here by clicking the Add Environment tab (more on this shortly). To view an environment’s settings, click the environment’s gear icon. You can also get more information about a specific environment by clicking it. This takes you to the environment view. Also note that each environment’s icon indicates the environment’s type and status:

  • Red icon: There’s a problem with one or more of the environment’s servers.
  • Green icon: The environment’s servers are operating properly.
  • Icon with a circle: The environment’s servers are clustered.

Now you’ll learn how to create an environment.

Creating an Environment

You can create an environment by clicking the Add Environment tab from the Dashboard. This opens the New Environment popup.

Complete these fields to create your environment:

  • Environment Name: The environment’s name.
  • Description: The environment’s description.
  • Subscription Type: The environment’s subscription type. Servers activated in the environment will consume an activation key from this subscription type. Note that you can’t change this after creating the environment.
  • Cluster: Whether this is a clustered environment. Only clustered environments can contain clustered servers. Note that you can’t change this after creating the environment. Also note that you must set the portal property to true in any servers that connect to a clustered environment.
  • Elastic: Whether this environment permits the use of elastic subscriptions. Note that you can’t change this after creating the environment. Elastic subscriptions let you register an unlimited number of servers. This is crucial for auto-scaling environments in which servers are created and destroyed automatically. For more information, see the documentation on elastic subscriptions.
  • Services: The LCS services to enable in the environment. Note that although LCS doesn’t access security sensitive properties, you may have additional properties you want to prevent LCS from analyzing. Enter them into the popup that appears when you click Blacklisted Properties. This Blacklisted Properties popup lists the currently blacklisted properties and lets you add additional ones to the list.

When you’re finished with your selections, click Create Environment.

Figure 4.10: The New Environment popup.

Figure 4.10: The New Environment popup.

Next, you’ll learn how to manage your environments.

Using the Environment View

Clicking an environment on the left-hand side of the project view takes you to the environment view. The environment view lets you manage an environment in your LCS project.

The UI is segmented into three tabs:

  1. Fix Packs: lets you view and apply fix packs for the environment’s servers. This tab only appears if a server is registered in the environment. A table displays the following information for each fix pack:

    • Name: The fix pack’s name.
    • Status: The fix pack’s status.
    • Server: The server the fix pack can be applied to.
    • Size: The fix pack’s size. This only appears if the server is running.
    • Download: A button to download the fix pack to the server. This only appears if the server is running.

    Once a fix pack downloads, LCS prompts you to restart your server, which installs any downloaded fix packs. Note that you must start your server with the privileges required to write to the disk location where patches are stored and processed (the patching-tool folder). To use LCS to install fix packs across a cluster, follow the same procedure. LCS downloads and installs fix packs simultaneously across all nodes–you don’t have to handle each separately.

  2. Registration: lets you generate and download environment tokens that connect your servers to LCS.

  3. Environment Settings: lets you change the environment’s name, location, and description. You can also see if the environment allows clustered servers, and view the environment’s subscription type. Click the Save button to save any changes you make in the Environment Settings tab. You can also delete the environment by clicking Delete Environment.

Figure 4.11: The LCS environment view shows an overview of an LCS environment.

Figure 4.11: The LCS environment view shows an overview of an LCS environment.

Regardless of the tab you’re in, the left side of the screen displays a list of the environment’s servers. To view a server’s settings, click the server’s gear icon. Clicking on a server takes you to its server view.

Using the Server View

The server view provides detailed information about a server, including statistics and performance metrics. To protect your users’ privacy, LCS doesn’t gather, store, or analyze user data. You can get to the server view by clicking a server in the environment view, or by clicking a server in the Fix Packs or Status tables.

Server view is segmented into six tabs:

  • Page Analytics: Displays metrics on page views and load times.
  • Snapshot Metrics: Displays application, JVM, and server metrics.
  • Fix Packs: Displays the server’s available and installed fix packs.
  • Portal Properties: Displays your portal’s properties and their settings.
  • Details: Displays general information about your Liferay Portal installation, Java version, and hardware.
  • Server Settings: View or change your server’s name, location, and description. You can also unregister the server from LCS.

Page Analytics

Page Analytics is displayed by default when you enter server view. Page Analytics shows page views and load times for the selected site and time period. By default, all sites are selected. You can select a specific site from the Site selector menu. You can also select a different time period in the Period and Ending At fields. The arrows next to the Ending At field move the selected time period up or down, respectively, by one period. For example, if you select One Hour in the Period field, then pressing the right arrow next to Ending At moves the selected time period up by one hour. Note that at the beginning of the current time period, it can take up to 15 minutes for data to become available. Also note that data is available for three months from the time LCS collected it.

By default, load times and page views for all pages are plotted against time in separate graphs. Below these graphs, a table displays summary statistics of these data over the same time period, for each page. If you click a page in the table, the graphs change to plot the data for just that page. If you can’t find the page you’re looking for, you can search for it in the Search box at the top of the table. To plot data for all pages again, click the All Pages row at the bottom of the table.

Load times are also color coded to indicate speed. The Load Times graph’s background is red for values above 3,000 ms, orange for values from 2,000 to 3,000 ms, and green for values less than 2,000 ms. Likewise, the table displays all load times greater than 3,000 ms in red text.

Figure 4.12: The Page Analytics interface in the LCS server view.

Figure 4.12: The Page Analytics interface in the LCS server view.

Snapshot Metrics

To view other metrics and statistics of your server’s performance, click the Snapshot Metrics tab near the top of the page. These metrics are broken down into three main categories: Application, JVM, and Server. Application is selected by default when you click the Snapshot Metrics button.

The Application category also has three other categories: Pages, Portlets, and Cache. Pages lists the frequency that specific pages load, along with their average load time. Portlets lists the same statistics, but for specific portlets in your server. The Cache category lists Liferay Single VM metrics and Hibernate metrics. The following screenshot shows the statistics in the Portlets category.

Figure 4.13: The LCS application metrics show portlet performance statistics, like frequency of use and average load time.

Figure 4.13: The LCS application metrics show portlet performance statistics, like frequency of use and average load time.

The JVM category, as its name indicates, shows statistics about the JVM running on your server. This includes data on the garbage collector and memory. The number of runs, total time, and average time are listed for each garbage collector item. The memory metrics are presented in a bar chart that shows the usage of the PS Survivor Space, PS Old Gen, PS Eden Space, Code Cache, and PS Perm Gen.

Figure 4.14: The LCS JVM metrics show performance data for memory and the garbage collector.

Figure 4.14: The LCS JVM metrics show performance data for memory and the garbage collector.

Server is the third category in Snapshot Metrics. The Server category shows additional information about how your server is running. For example, a horizontal bar graph shows the number of current threads running on your server. Similarly, horizontal bar graphs are used to represent the JDBC connection pools.

Figure 4.15: The LCS server metrics show current threads and JDBC connection pools.

Figure 4.15: The LCS server metrics show current threads and JDBC connection pools.

Note that in Snapshot Metrics, the application and garbage collector metrics are based on data collected by LCS from server registration to the present. Memory and server metrics, however, show only the current state.

Fix Packs

To view your server’s fix packs, click the Fix Packs tab near the top of the page. The available and installed fix packs appear in separate tables. The available fix packs table functions exactly like the Fix Packs table in environment view for downloading and installing fix packs.

Figure 4.16: The Fix Packs tab displays your servers available and installed fix packs.

Figure 4.16: The Fix Packs tab displays your server's available and installed fix packs.

Portal Properties

The Portal Properties tab lets you view your portal’s property values in a searchable table. This gives you a convenient display for seeing exactly what your portal properties are set to. The properties in this table are organized into the following categories:

  • Default Values: The default values for your portal’s properties.

  • Custom Values: Any custom values you’ve set for your portal’s properties. This includes any property values you change via a file.

  • Dynamic Properties: Any property values set at runtime. For example, the Liferay Home folder’s location depends on your configuration. To always specify this folder when setting any properties that require it, you can use ${liferay.home} instead of an absolute directory path.

You can display any combination of these categories by selecting the corresponding checkboxes from the gear icon next to the search box at the top-right of the table. For example, by checking the Show Default Values and Show Custom Values checkboxes, the table shows your portal’s default and custom property values. To show only the custom values, select only Show Custom Values.

Figure 4.17: Click the gear icon to select the type of portal properties to show in the table.

Figure 4.17: Click the gear icon to select the type of portal properties to show in the table.


The Details tab shows general information about your server. There are three tabs under Details: Software, Java, and Hardware. Each shows information, respectively, about your Liferay Portal installation, Java installation, and hardware. This information is useful to the Liferay Support team in the event that you need their assistance.

Figure 4.18: The Details tab shows information about your server.

Figure 4.18: The Details tab shows information about your server.

Server Settings

Lastly, the Server Settings tab lets you view and edit your server’s name, location, and description. You can also unregister your server from LCS.

Figure 1: You can use the Server Settings tab to give your server a fun name.

Figure 1: You can use the Server Settings tab to give your server a fun name.

As you can see, the LCS Dashboard is a powerful tool that greatly simplifies the update process and also gives you extensive information on how your servers are running. Next, you’ll learn how to use LCS web notifications.

Using Web Notifications

LCS also displays web notifications that you can view by clicking the bell icon in the Dockbar. A red badge on this icon shows your unread notification count. LCS and Liferay Support send these notifications. For example, LCS generates notifications when a server shuts down or some other event requiring your attention occurs. To mark a notification as read, click the small x icon next to it. To mark all notifications as read, click the Mark All as Read button. To mark notifications as unread again, click the Undo button that appears. To see your notification history, click the Notifications History button. You can also access your notification history by selecting My Account from the user menu in the Dockbar.

Figure 4.19: Web notifications let you know whats happening in your LCS projects.

Figure 4.19: Web notifications let you know what's happening in your LCS projects.

Next, you’ll learn how to manage your LCS account.

Managing Your LCS Account

To manage your LCS account, select My Account from the user menu in the Dockbar. This takes you to a UI that contains three tabs:

  • Email Notifications: Configure LCS to send you emails when specific events occur in your LCS projects. You do this by adding rules that define what events trigger a notification. There are no rules by default. Click the Add Rule button to define one.

    First specify the project, environment, and server for the notification. Note that you have the option of selecting all environments and servers in a project. Then check the checkbox for each event that you want to trigger an email notification. For example, if you create a notification rule with The server unexpectedly shuts down selected for all servers and environments in your project, then LCS sends you an email when any server in your project goes offline without a normal shut down event. Click Save when you’re done defining the notification rule. It then appears in a table along with any other existing rules. Each has an Actions button that lets you edit or delete it.

    Figure 4.20: You can add rules to determine the events that trigger notifications.

    Figure 4.20: You can add rules to determine the events that trigger notifications.

  • Notification History: Displays your web notification history in a searchable table. You can also select the date range from which to display notifications.

  • Preferences: Manage your LCS account’s general preferences. You can change your account’s language, time zone, and default LCS project. Your default LCS project is the one shown each time you log in to LCS.

    Figure 4.21: You can change your LCS accounts general preferences.

    Figure 4.21: You can change your LCS account's general preferences.

Great! Now you know how to manage your LCS account. Next, you’ll learn how to use LCS to work with your Liferay EE subscriptions.

Managing Liferay Portal EE Subscriptions

LCS lets you use and view your Liferay Portal EE subscriptions. Recall that when you create an environment, you assign its subscription type. Registering an unactivated server in that environment consumes an activation key from that subscription type. You can also view your project’s available subscriptions and see how they’re being used.

Depending on your subscription agreement, LCS also lets you register servers via elastic subscriptions. Elastic subscriptions let you register an unlimited number servers. This is invaluable in auto-scaling environments, where servers are automatically created and destroyed in response to load.

You can access these features from the Subscriptions tab on the upper-left of the LCS site. This tab contains two other tabs: Details and Elastic Subscriptions.

Figure 4.22: LCS lets you view and manage your subscriptions.

Figure 4.22: LCS lets you view and manage your subscriptions.

There are four tables in the Details tab:

  1. Subscriptions: shows a list of the available subscriptions in your LCS project. For each subscription, this table shows the following information:

    • Subscription Type
    • Start Date
    • Expiration Date
    • Support End Date
    • Platform
    • Product
    • Processor Cores Allowed
    • Servers Allowed
    • Servers Used

    Note that Processor Cores Allowed shows the number of processor cores that the subscription allows for each server.

  2. Subscriptions Summary: shows how your subscriptions are currently used in your project. For each subscription type, this table shows the number of servers allowed, used, and available.

  3. Project Environments: shows your project’s environments and their assigned subscription types. Each environment must have a subscription type.

  4. Project Servers: shows the environment and subscription type for each server in your LCS project.

If any of the information in these tables is missing or incorrect, contact Liferay Support.

Decommissioning Servers

If you activate servers with LCS, it’s important to know how decommissioning those servers frees their activation keys for reuse. To decommission such a server and free its activation key for reuse, select the server’s environment on the left and then select the server. In the server’s Server Settings tab, select Unregister. Also note that when you shut down an LCS-activated server normally, its activation key is immediately freed for reuse. If the server crashes or its shutdown is forced (e.g., kill), its activation key is freed for reuse within six minutes.

Next, you’ll learn how to use elastic subscriptions with LCS.

Elastic Subscriptions

Elastic subscriptions let you activate an unlimited number of servers. This is crucial for auto-scaling environments in which servers are created and destroyed automatically. You can view data on your elastic servers from the Subscriptions tab’s Elastic Subscriptions tab.

Figure 4.23: The Elastic Subscriptions tab shows details about your projects elastic servers.

Figure 4.23: The *Elastic Subscriptions* tab shows details about your project's elastic servers.

The Elastic Subscriptions tab displays the number of elastic servers online and the uptime details for each. A graph shows the number of elastic servers online each day, while a table lists each elastic server’s start time, end time, and duration. The total duration for servers is below the table. To download a report of the table’s data, click Download Report. Also, you can use the Environment and Month selectors above the graph to select the environment and month to show data from, respectively. The data in both the graph and the table reflect your selections here.

The next section shows you how to use environment tokens to register servers with LCS.

Understanding Environment Tokens

To connect a server in an environment, you must use that environment’s token file. LCS Administrators and Environment Managers can generate and distribute this file. It contains all the information the LCS client app needs to register the server in the environment. When the server starts up, it uses the token to connect to LCS. If the server is unactivated, it consumes an activation key from the environment’s subscription. This lets you register servers in LCS automatically–no interaction is required.

There are a few things to keep in mind when using environment tokens:

  • Each environment can have only one token file. If you regenerate the token, servers using the old file are disconnected from LCS and can’t reconnect until receiving the new file. If such a server was activated with LCS and is running version 4.0.2 or later of the LCS client app, the server enters a 30-day grace period during which it functions normally. This gives the administrator time to use the new token file to reconnect to LCS. Servers running earlier versions of the LCS client app present users with an error page until the administrator reconnects with the new token.

  • Use caution when distributing the token file, as anyone can use it to connect to your environment and consume an activation key in your subscription.

  • Minimal information (server name, location, etc…) is used to register a server with LCS. You can change this information from the server view in LCS at any time.

  • Environment tokens connect using OAuth. Using an environment token overrides the OAuth authorization cycle. If LCS Administrators or Environment Managers have never registered servers in LCS, the first time they do so an OAuth authorization entry is created in LCS. If they’ve previously registered servers in LCS, their existing credentials are used when they create a token file.

  • If the credentials of the LCS user who generated the token become invalid, you must generate a new token and use it to reconnect to LCS. An LCS user’s credentials become invalid if the user leaves the LCS project or becomes an LCS Environment Manager or LCS Environment Viewer in a different environment.

So why bother with environment tokens at all? Besides simplifying the LCS connection process, environment tokens are valuable in auto-scaling environments where algorithms create and destroy servers automatically. In this situation, having clients that activate and configure themselves is crucial.

As you’ve now seen, LCS is a powerful tool that helps you manage your Liferay Portal servers. In addition to activating your servers, LCS lets you apply fix packs and monitor your servers’ performance.

Next, you’ll learn about Liferay Portal clustering.

« Connecting to LCSIntroduction to Configuring Liferay for High Availability »
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