Generating Reports in Liferay

EE Only Feature

Liferay’s Reports portlet allows administrators to create reports and schedule report generation runs. In order to work, the Reports portlet needs to be combined with an appropriate implementation such as the JasperReports web plugin. You can use Liferay’s Reports portlet to create professional reports containing charts, images, subreports, etc. When a report is generated, data is dynamically pulled from Liferay’s database into a template. Data can be pulled into Jasper reports via JDBC and Jasper reports can be exported to many different file formats including PDF, HTML, XLS, RTF, CSV, or XML. The Reports and JasperReports plugins are available as apps on Liferay Marketplace. You can purchase, download, and install the Reports and JasperReports apps directly from your Liferay instance’s Control Panel interface or you can navigate to in your browser, purchase and download the apps, and copy the .lpkg files to your Liferay instance’s /deploy folder.

Using the Reports Portlet

Once you’ve installed the Reports and Jasper Reports EE applications, log in to your portal as an administrator and navigate to Site Administration. If your applications have been successfully deployed, you’ll find a Reports Admin entry in the Configuration section on the left menu.

Figure 14.22: To check that the Reports EE and Jasper Reports EE applications have been successfully deployed to your Liferay server, look for the Reports Admin entry in the Configuration section of your Site Administration page.

Figure 14.22: To check that the Reports EE and Jasper Reports EE applications have been successfully deployed to your Liferay server, look for the *Reports Admin* entry in the Configuration section of your Site Administration page.

The Reports Admin portlet has three tabs:

  • Reports
  • Definitions
  • Sources

The Reports tab shows a list of all generated reports. The Definitions tab shows a list of report definitions. The most important features of a report definition are the data source, which determines where to find the data to be displayed in a report, and the template, which determines which information to display and how to display it. The Sources tab allows you to add new data sources which can be selected by report definitions. Note: your portal’s database is automatically set up as a default data source called Portal. The Portal data source does not appear on the Sources tab but is selectable on the form for adding/editing a report definition.

Figure 14.23: Use the Sources tab of the Reports Admin portlet to define data sources for report definitions. Use the Definitions tab to define report definitions, generate reports, and schedule reports for generation. Use the Reports tab to browse through and download generated reports.

Figure 14.23: Use the *Sources* tab of the Reports Admin portlet to define data sources for report definitions. Use the *Definitions* tab to define report definitions, generate reports, and schedule reports for generation. Use the *Reports* tab to browse through and download generated reports.

In order to generate a report, you need to a have one or more report definitions configured. To create a report definition, you need a data source and a report template. If you’d like to use your portal’s database as your report definition’s data source, use the default data source called Portal. If you’d like to use a different data source, navigate to the Sources tab of the Reports Admin portlet and click on the Add Source button. Enter a name for the new data source and enter the JDBC connection information:

  • Driver Class Name
  • URL
  • User Name
  • Password

For example, to connect to a MySQL database called data_source installed on the Liferay server, you could use the following credentials:

  • Driver Class Name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
  • URL: jdbc:mysql://localhost/data_source?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&useFastDateParsing=false
  • User Name: [MySQL User Name]
  • Password: [MySQL Password]

Click on the Test Database Connection button to make sure that you’ve entered the connection information correctly. Liferay will respond with a success or error message depending on whether or not it was able to connect to the data source. From the Reports Admin portlet’s Sources tab, you can see a list of all the data sources that have been added. You can configure data sources’ permissions to customize who can edit them and you can delete data sources that should no longer be used.

Once your data source has been saved, make sure that your report template is ready for use. If you’re using Jasper and need to create a Jasper template, consider using a tool like iReport Designer or Jaspersoft Studio to create your template. iReport is built on top of Netbeans IDE while Jaspersoft Studio is Eclipse-based.

Once you’ve created a Jasper template (.jrxml file), you’re ready to create a report definition. Liferay handles compiling the template, populating the template with data, and exporting the report. For more information on using iReport Designer and on the Jasper Report lifecycle, please refer to Jaspersoft’s wiki and documentation.

To add a report definition, navigate to the Definitions tab of the Reports Admin portlet and click Add Report Definition. Enter a definition name and, optionally, a description. Select a data source for your report definition. Remember that you can use your portal’s database as your database by selecting the default Portal data source. Then select a Jasper template (.jrxml file) for your report template. Optionally, you can add report parameters and values to your report definition and they’ll be injected into the template at runtime when the report is generated. Lastly, you can configure the permissions of your new report definition. By default, new reports, report definitions, and data sources are site-scoped. For this reason, new report definitions are set to be viewable by site members. When you’ve completed your new report definition, click Save.

Now you’re ready to use your report definition to generate reports manually or schedule them to be generated. From the Report Admin portlet’s Definitions tab, click ActionsAdd Report next to your report definition. You can choose any of the following reports formats:

  • CSV
  • HTML
  • PDF
  • RTF
  • TXT
  • XLS
  • XML

You can configure email notifications or specific email recipients. Email notifications just inform users that a report has been generated and provide a link to the report’s location in the portal. Email recipients actually receive copies of the report as email attachments. You can customize the account from which report notifications and deliveries are sent as well as the messages themselves from the configuration window of the Reports Admin portlet. When generating a report, you can also configure the permissions of the report to be generated. By default, generated reports are site-scoped and are viewable by site members.

To configure reports to be generated on a schedule, click ActionsAdd Schedule next to your report definition from the Report Admin portlet’s Definitions tab. You can select a start date and, optionally, an end date. You can also select how often to repeat the report generation event:

  • Never
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Yearly

As on the Add Report form, you can select a report format, configure email notifications and email recipients, and configure the permissions of the reports to be generated. When you’re done setting up your report generation schedule, click Save. Great! Now your reports will automatically be generated on the dates you’ve configured. You can create multiple reports from a single report definition. You can also edit a report definition, configure a report definition’s permissions, or delete a report definition from the Report Admin portlet’s Definitions tab.

Once one or more reports have been generated, they’ll appear in the Reports Admin portlet’s Reports tab. To edit a report’s permissions or to delete a report, use the Actions button next to the report’s name. To view details about a report, click on its name. From the details view of a report, you can download the report by clicking ActionsDownload next to the report file. You can also deliver the report by clicking ActionsDeliver Report, choosing an email recipient, and clicking Deliver. To delete the report file, click ActionsDelete.

Configuring the Reports Admin Portlet

To configure the Reports Admin portlet, navigate to the Reports Admin portlet in the Control Panel, click on the wrench icon at the top right corner of the portlet, and select Configuration. There are three tabs:

  • Email From
  • Delivery Email
  • Notifications Email

The Email From tab allows you to customize the name and email address of the account that sends report notifications within your portal. For example, you could set the name to Reports Admin and the email address to The Delivery Email tab allows you to customize the email message that’s sent when a report is delivered to a portal user. When a report is delivered to a portal user, it’s included as an attachment to this email message. Finally, the Notifications Email tab allows you to customize the message that’s sent when a report notification is sent to a portal user. In this case, the report is not included as an attachment; the email message just provides a link to the report’s location in the portal.

Using the Reports Display Portlet

Installing the Reports EE and JasperReports EE apps not only adds the Reports Admin portlet to the Control Panel but also makes the Reports Display portlet available. The Reports Display portlet provides the same functionality as the Reports tab of the Reports Admin portlet. The Reports Display portlet allows users to download or deliver reports but not to add, edit, or delete report definitions or data sources.

Figure 14.24: Here, the Reports Display portlet shows only a single report.

Figure 14.24: Here, the Reports Display portlet shows only a single report.

The Reports Display portlet is intended to be placed within a site’s private pages to allow site members to access site-scoped reports. It can also be placed within a site’s public pages. In this case, reports will only be displayed to users that have permission to view the reports. For example, if a guest views a site’s public page to which the Reports Display portlet has been added, site-scoped reports will not be visible; only reports for which the View permission has been added to the Guest role will appear in the Reports Display portlet.

Creating a Sample Jasper Report in Liferay

To create a sample Jasper report in Liferay, follow this section’s instructions. We’ll use your portal’s database as our report definition’s data source and we’ll use a simple Jasper template that was created using iReport Designer.

  1. Save the following Jasper template to a file named sample-report.jrxml somewhere on your machine’s file system.

     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     <jasperReport xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" name="sample-report2" language="groovy" pageWidth="595" pageHeight="842" columnWidth="555" leftMargin="20" rightMargin="20" topMargin="20" bottomMargin="20">
             <property name="ireport.zoom" value="1.0"/>
             <property name="ireport.x" value="0"/>
             <property name="ireport.y" value="0"/>
             <queryString language="SQL">
                     <![CDATA[select * from User_]]>
             <field name="userId" class="java.lang.Long">
             <field name="screenName" class="java.lang.String">
             <field name="emailAddress" class="java.lang.String">
             <field name="createDate" class="java.sql.Timestamp">
             <field name="modifiedDate" class="java.sql.Timestamp">
             <group name="userId">
             <group name="screenName">
             <group name="emailAddress">
             <group name="createDate">
                     <band splitType="Stretch"/>
                     <band height="79" splitType="Stretch">
                                     <reportElement x="0" y="0" width="555" height="51"/>
                                             <font size="24" isBold="true"/>
                                     <text><![CDATA[Sample Report: Users]]></text>
                     <band height="35" splitType="Stretch"/>
                     <band height="61" splitType="Stretch">
                                     <reportElement x="0" y="0" width="63" height="20"/>
                                             <font size="14" isItalic="true"/>
                                     <reportElement x="63" y="0" width="90" height="20"/>
                                             <font size="14" isItalic="true"/>
                                     <reportElement x="153" y="0" width="128" height="20"/>
                                             <font size="14" isItalic="true"/>
                                     <reportElement x="281" y="0" width="141" height="20"/>
                                             <font size="14" isItalic="true"/>
                                     <reportElement x="422" y="0" width="133" height="20"/>
                                             <font size="14" isItalic="true"/>
                     <band height="125" splitType="Stretch">
                                     <reportElement x="0" y="0" width="63" height="20"/>
                                     <reportElement x="63" y="0" width="90" height="20"/>
                                     <reportElement x="153" y="0" width="128" height="20"/>
                                     <reportElement x="281" y="0" width="141" height="20"/>
                                     <reportElement x="422" y="0" width="133" height="20"/>
                     <band height="45" splitType="Stretch"/>
                     <band height="54" splitType="Stretch"/>
                     <band height="42" splitType="Stretch"/>
  2. Log in to your portal as an administrator, navigate to Site Administration, and navigate to the Reports Admin portlet.

  3. Navigate to the Definitions tab and click Add Report Definition.

  4. For the definition name, enter Jasper Test.

  5. Leave the data source selection as the default: Portal.

  6. Browse to and select the sample-report.jrxml template that you created in step 1, then click Save to create your report definition.

  7. Click ActionsAdd Report next to your Jasper Test report definition, choose the PDF report format, and click Generate.

  8. Navigate to the Reports Admin portlet’s Reports tab and click on the report you generated.

  9. Click ActionsDownload next to the sample-report.pdf file.

This report should list all of your portal’s users, displaying the userId, screenName, emailAddress, createDate, and modifiedDate of each user.

Figure 14.25: This reports lists all portal users by userId, screenName, emailAddress, createDate, and modifiedDate.

Figure 14.25: This reports lists all portal users by userId, screenName, emailAddress, createDate, and modifiedDate.

Now that we understand how to generate Jasper reports in Liferay, let’s see what the Knowledge base application has to offer.

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