Introduction to Using the Control Panel

In the previous chapter, we learned how to use the Control Panel for user management. We learned how to manage users, organizations, user group, roles, and password policies. We also learned about user monitoring. In this chapter, we’ll look at portal and server configuration options for Liferay. Now that you have been navigating in the Control Panel, you should be pretty familiar with how it works. The Control Panel is organized in four main areas: Users, Sites, Apps, and Configuration. The options in the Configuration section of the Control Panel category include configuration options which control how the portal operates and integrates with other systems you may have. In this chapter, we’ll cover the following topics:

  • Portal settings, such as user authentication options, mail host names, email notifications, identification settings, and display settings

  • Custom fields

  • Server administration options, including options for resources, log levels, properties, CAPTCHA, data migration, file uploads, mail, external services, scripts, and shutdown settings

  • Portal instances

After you have created users, user groups, organizations, roles, sites, and teams your portal will be ready to host content and applications. You can configure Liferay’s portal settings to fit your environment and your particular portal project. It’s easy to adjust configuration settings using the portlet-driven user interface of Liferay’ Control Panel. Let’s start by examining Liferay’s Portal Settings.

« SummaryConfiguring Portal Settings »
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