Modules Ext Template

In this article, you’ll learn how to create an Ext module. To create an Ext module via the command line using Blade CLI or Maven, use one of the commands with the following parameters:

blade create -t modules-ext -v 7.1 [-p packageName] [-m originalModuleName] [-M originalModuleVersion] projectName


mvn archetype:generate \
    -DarchetypeGroupId=com.liferay \
    -DarchetypeArtifactId=com.liferay.project.templates.modules.ext \
    -DartifactId=[projectName] \
    -Dpackage=[packageName] \
    -DoriginalModuleName=[originalModuleName] \
    -DoriginalModuleVersion=[originalModuleVersion] \

You can also insert the -b maven parameter in the Blade command to generate a Maven project using Blade CLI.

The template for this kind of project is modules-ext. Suppose you want to create an Ext module called my-ext-module-project that overrides the com.liferay.test.web module (BSN) with version 1.0.0. If you have Target Platform enabled, you’re not required to specify the intended module version to override. Also, the override module has a package path of You must use the exact path of the original module when creating an Ext module. You could run the following command to accomplish this:

blade create -t modules-ext -v 7.1 -p -m com.liferay.test.web -M 1.0.0 my-ext-module-project


mvn archetype:generate \
    -DarchetypeGroupId=com.liferay \
    -DarchetypeArtifactId=com.liferay.project.templates.modules.ext \
    -DartifactId=my-ext-module-project \ \
    -DoriginalModuleName=com.liferay.test.web \
    -DoriginalModuleVersion=1.0.0 \

After running the Blade command above, your project’s directory structure looks like this:

  • my-ext-module-project
    • gradle
      • wrapper
        • gradle-wrapper.jar
    • src
      • main
        • java
          • com/liferay/docs/test
        • resources
    • build.gradle
    • gradlew

The Maven-generated project includes a pom.xml file and does not include the Gradle-specific files, but otherwise, appears exactly the same.

To build upon the generated project, modify the project by adding logic and additional files to the folders outlined above.

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