File Check-out

Here’s what happens when you check out a file:

  • A private working copy of the file is created that only you and administrators can access. Until you check the file back in or cancel your changes, any edits you make are stored in the private working copy.

  • Other users can’t change or edit any version of the file. This state remains until you cancel or check in your changes.

The main DLAppService method for checking out a file is this checkOutFileEntry method:

checkOutFileEntry(long fileEntryId, ServiceContext serviceContext)

If this method throws an exception, then you should assume the checkout failed and repeat the operation. For a full description of the method and its parameters, see its Javadoc.

Follow these steps to use this method to check out a file:

  1. Get a reference to DLAppService:

    private DLAppService _dlAppService;

    For more information on this, see the section on getting a service reference in the getting started tutorial.

  2. Get the data needed to populate the checkOutFileEntry method’s arguments. Since it’s common to check out a file in response to an action by the end user, you can extract the data from the request. This example does so via javax.portlet.ActionRequest and ParamUtil, but you can get the data any way you wish:

    long fileEntryId = ParamUtil.getLong(actionRequest, "fileEntryId");
    ServiceContext serviceContext = ServiceContextFactory.getInstance(actionRequest);

    For more information on ServiceContext, see the tutorial Understanding ServiceContext.

  3. Call the service reference’s checkOutFileEntry method with the data from the previous step:

    _dlAppService.checkOutFileEntry(fileEntryId, serviceContext);

You can find the full code for this example in the checkOutFileEntries method of Liferay DXP’s EditFileEntryMVCActionCommand class. This class uses the Documents and Media API to implement almost all the FileEntry actions that the Documents and Media app supports. Also note that this checkOutFileEntries method, as well as the rest of EditFileEntryMVCActionCommand, contains additional logic to suit the specific needs of the Documents and Media app.

Fine-tuning Checkout

You can control how the checkout is performed by setting the following attributes in the ServiceContext parameter:

  • manualCheckInRequired: By default, the system automatically checks out/in a file when a user edits it. Setting this attribute to true prevents this, therefore requiring manual check-out and check-in.

  • existingDLFileVersionId: The system typically reuses the private working copy across different check-out/check-in sequences. There’s little chance for conflicting edits because only one user at a time can access the private working copy. To force the system to create a new private working copy each time, omit this attribute or set it to 0.

  • fileVersionUuid: This is used by staging, but can be ignored for normal use. Setting this attribute causes the system to create the new private working copy version with the given UUID.

To set these attributes, use the ServiceContext method setAttribute(String name, Serializable value). Here’s an example of setting the manualCheckInRequired attribute to true:

serviceContext.setAttribute("manualCheckInRequired", Boolean.TRUE)

File Check-in

Cancelling a Check-out

Updating Files

« File Check-out and Check-inFile Check-in »
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