In Liferay Screens for Android, Screenlet UIs are called Views. Every Screenlet must have at least one View. A View consists of the following components:
The View Model interface: Defines the methods the View needs to update the UI.
A layout XML file: Defines the UI components that the View presents to the end user.
A View class: Renders the UI, handles user interactions, and communicates with the Screenlet class. The View class implements the View Model interface.
The Screenlet class: Although technically part of a View, the Screenlet class depends on all the other Screenlet components. You therefore won’t create the Screenlet class until the end of this tutorial.
Creating the Screenlet’s View Model and Layout
The first items to create for a Screenlet’s View are its View Model interface and layout. The following steps explain how:
To define the methods that every Screenlet’s View class must implement, Screens provides the
interface. Your View Model interface should extendBaseViewModel
to define any additional methods needed by your Screenlet. This includes any getters and setters for the attributes you want to use.For example, Add Bookmark Screenlet needs attributes for each bookmark’s URL and title. Its View Model interface,
, therefore, defines getters and setters for these attributes:public interface AddBookmarkViewModel extends BaseViewModel { String getURL(); void setURL(String value); String getTitle(); void setTitle(String value); }
Define your Screenlet’s UI by writing a standard Android layout XML file. The layout’s root element should be the fully qualified class name of your Screenlet’s View class. You’ll create that class in the next step, but determine its name now and name the layout’s root element after it. Finally, add any UI elements your View needs.
For example, Add Bookmark Screenlet’s layout needs two text fields: one for entering a bookmark’s URL and one for entering its title. The layout also needs a button for saving the bookmark. The Screenlet defines this UI in its
layout file:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <com.your.package.AddBookmarkView xmlns:android="" style="@style/default_screenlet"> <EditText android:id="@+id/url" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_marginBottom="15dp" android:hint="URL Address" android:inputType="textUri"/> <EditText android:id="@+id/title" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_marginBottom="15dp" android:hint="Title"/> <Button android:id="@+id/add_button" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="Add Bookmark"/> </com.your.package.AddBookmarkView>
Figure 1: Add Bookmark Screenlet's layout contains two text fields and a button.
Next, you’ll create your Screenlet’s View class.
Creating the Screenlet’s View Class
Your Screenlet needs a View class to support the layout you just created. This
class must extend an Android layout class (e.g. LinearLayout
, ListView
implement your View Model interface, and implement a separate listener interface
to handle user actions. Follow these steps to create this View class:
Create a View class that extends the Android layout class appropriate for your Screenlet’s UI. For example, Add Bookmark Screenlet renders its UI components in a single column, so its View class (
) extends Android’sLinearLayout
. Your View class’s constructors should call the parent layout class’s constructors. For example,AddBookmarkView
’s constructors call those ofLinearLayout
:public AddBookmarkView(Context context) { super(context); } public AddBookmarkView(Context context, AttributeSet attributes) { super(context, attributes); } public AddBookmarkView(Context context, AttributeSet attributes, int defaultStyle) { super(context, attributes, defaultStyle); }
Add instance variables for your View Model’s attributes and
. For example, Add Bookmark Screenlet needs instance variables for a bookmark’s URL and title. Because all Screenlet classes extend theBaseScreenlet
class, aBaseScreenlet
variable in your View class ensures that your View always has a reference to the Screenlet. For example, here areAddBookmarkView
’s instance variables:private EditText urlText; private EditText titleText; private BaseScreenlet screenlet;
Implement your View Model interface. Implement your View Model’s getter and setter methods to get and set the inner value of each component, respectively. For example, here’s
’s implementation ofAddBookmarkViewModel
:public String getURL() { return urlText.getText().toString(); } public void setURL(String value) { urlText.setText(value); } public String getTitle() { return titleText.getText().toString(); } public void setTitle(String value) { titleText.setText(value); }
Implement a listener interface to handle user actions in the Screenlet. For example, Add Bookmark Screenlet must detect when the user presses the save button. The
class enables this by implementing Android’sView.OnClickListener
interface, which defines a single method:onClick
. The Screenlet’sonClick
implementation gets a reference to the Screenlet and calls itsperformUserAction()
method (you’ll createperformUserAction()
in the Screenlet class shortly):public void onClick(View v) { AddBookmarkScreenlet screenlet = (AddBookmarkScreenlet) getParent(); screenlet.performUserAction(); }
You can set the listener to the appropriate UI element by implementing an
method. This method should also retrieve and assign any other UI elements from your layout. For example, theonFinishInflate()
implementation inAddBookmarkView
retrieves the URL and title attributes from the layout, and sets them to theurlText
variables, respectively. This method then retrieves the button from the layout and sets this View class as the button’s click listener:protected void onFinishInflate() { super.onFinishInflate(); urlText = (EditText) findViewById(; titleText = (EditText) findViewById(; Button addButton = (Button) findViewById(; addButton.setOnClickListener(this); }
Implement the
interface’s methods:showStartOperation
, andsetScreenlet
. In theshow*Operation
methods, you can log what happens in your Screenlet when the server operation starts, finishes successfully, or fails, respectively. In thegetScreenlet
methods, you must get and set theBaseScreenlet
variable, respectively. This ensures that the View always has a Screenlet reference. For example, Add Bookmark Screenlet implements these methods as follows:@Override public void showStartOperation(String actionName) { } @Override public void showFinishOperation(String actionName) { LiferayLogger.i("Add bookmark successful"); } @Override public void showFailedOperation(String actionName, Exception e) { LiferayLogger.e("Could not add bookmark", e); } @Override public BaseScreenlet getScreenlet() { return screenlet; } @Override public void setScreenlet(BaseScreenlet screenlet) { this.screenlet = screenlet; }
Note that although you must implement the
methods, you can leave their implementations empty if you don’t need to take any specific action.
Click here
to see the complete example AddBookmarkView
Great! Your View class is finished. Now you’re ready to create your Screenlet’s Interactor class.