Creating the Interactor

Recall from the basic Screenlet creation tutorial that Interactors retrieve and process a server call’s results. Also recall that the following components make up an Interactor:

  1. Event
  2. Listener
  3. Interactor Class

These components perform the same basic functions in list Screenlets as they do in non-list Screenlets. Creating them, however, is a bit different. Each of the following sections show you how to create one of these components. First, you’ll create the event.

Creating the Event

Screens uses the EventBus library to handle communication within Screenlets. Screenlet components therefore communicate with each other by using event classes that contain the server call’s results. Your list Screenlet’s event class must extend the ListEvent class parameterized with your model class. Your event class should also contain a private instance variable for the model class, a constructor that sets this variable, and a no-argument constructor that calls the superclass constructor. For example, Bookmark List Screenlet’s event class (BookmarkEvent) communicates Bookmark objects. It therefore extends ListEvent with Bookmark as a type argument, and defines a private Bookmark variable that its BookmarkEvent(Bookmark bookmark) constructor sets:

public class BookmarkEvent extends ListEvent<Bookmark> {

      private Bookmark bookmark;

      public BookmarkEvent() {

      public BookmarkEvent(Bookmark bookmark) {
  		  this.bookmark = bookmark;

You must also implement ListEvent’s abstract methods in your event class. Note that these methods support offline mode. Although these methods are briefly described here, supporting offline mode in your Screenlets is addressed in detail in a separate tutorial.

  • getListKey: returns the ID for the cache. This ID is typically the data each list row displays. For example, the getListKey method in BookmarkEvent returns the bookmark’s URL:

      public String getListKey() {
          return bookmark.getUrl();
  • getModel: unwraps the model entity to the cache by returning the model class instance. For example, the getModel method in BookmarkEvent method returns the bookmark:

      public Bookmark getModel() {
          return bookmark;

Next, you’ll create your Screenlet’s listener.

Creating the Listener

Recall that listeners let the app developer respond to events that occur in Screenlets. For example, an app developer using Login Screenlet in an activity must implement LoginListener in that activity to respond to login success or failure. When creating a list Screenlet, however, you don’t have to create a separate listener. Developers can use your list Screenlet in an activity or fragment by implementing the BaseListListener interface parameterized with your model class. For example, to use Bookmark List Screenlet in an activity, an app developer’s activity declaration could look like this:

public class BookmarkListActivity extends AppCompatActivity 
    implements BaseListListener<Bookmark> {...

The BaseListListener interface defines the following methods that the app developer can implement in their activity or fragment:

  • void onListPageFailed(int startRow, Exception e): Responds to the Screenlet’s failure to retrieve entities from the server.

  • void onListPageReceived(int startRow, int endRow, List<E> entries, int rowCount): Responds to the Screenlet’s success in retrieving entities from the server.

  • void onListItemSelected(E element, View view): Responds to a user selection in the list.

If these methods meet your list Screenlet’s needs, then you can move on to the next section in this tutorial. If you want to let app developers respond to more actions, however, you must create your own listener that extends BaseListListener parameterized with your model class. For example, Bookmark List Screenlet contains such a listener: BookmarkListListener. This listener defines a single method that notifies the app developer when the Interactor is called:

public interface BookmarkListListener extends BaseListListener<Bookmark> {
    void interactorCalled();

Next, you’ll create the Interactor class.

Creating the Interactor Class

Recall that as an Interactor’s central component, the Interactor class makes the service call to retrieve entities from Liferay DXP, and processes the results of that call. The list Screenlet framework’s BaseListInteractor class provides most of the functionality that Interactor classes in list Screenlets require. You must, however, extend BaseListInteractor to make your service calls and handle their results via your model and event classes. Your Interactor class must therefore extend BaseListInteractor, parameterized with BaseListInteractorListener<YourModelClass> and your event class. For example, Bookmark List Screenlet’s Interactor class, BookmarkListInteractor, extends BaseListInteractor parameterized with BaseListInteractorListener<Bookmark> and BookmarkEvent:

public class BookmarkListInteractor extends 
    BaseListInteractor<BaseListInteractorListener<Bookmark>, BookmarkEvent> {...

Your Interactor must also override the methods needed to make the server call and process the results:

  • getPageRowsRequest: Retrieves the specified page of entities. In the example BookmarkListInteractor, this method first uses the args parameter to retrieve the ID of the folder to retrieve bookmarks from. It then sets the comparator (more on this shortly) if the app developer sets one when inserting the Screenlet XML in a fragment or activity. The getPageRowsRequest method finishes by calling BookmarksEntryService’s getEntries method to retrieve a page of bookmarks. Note that the service call, like the service call in the basic Screenlet creation tutorial, uses LiferayServerContext.isLiferay7() to check the portal version to make sure the correct service instance is used. This isn’t required if you only plan to use your Screenlet with one portal version. Also note that the groupId variable used to make the service calls isn’t set anywhere in getPageRowsRequest or BookmarkListInteractor. Interactors that extend BaseListInteractor, like BookmarkListInteractor, inherit this variable via the Screens framework. You’ll set it when you create the Screenlet class. Here’s BookmarkListInteractor’s complete getPageRowsRequest method:

      protected JSONArray getPageRowsRequest(Query query, Object... args) throws Exception {
          long folderId = (long) args[0];
          if (args[1] != null) {
              query.setComparator((String) args[1]);
          if (LiferayServerContext.isLiferay7()) {
              return new BookmarksEntryService(getSession()).getEntries(groupId, folderId, 
                  query.getStartRow(), query.getEndRow(), query.getComparatorJSONWrapper());
          } else {
              return new
                  getSession()).getEntries(groupId, folderId, query.getStartRow(), 
                  query.getEndRow(), query.getComparatorJSONWrapper());

    You might now be asking yourself what a comparator is. A comparator is a class in the Liferay DXP instance that sorts a portlet’s entities. For example, the Bookmarks portlet contains several comparators that can sort entities by different criteria. Click here to see these comparators. Although it’s not required, you can develop your list Screenlet to use a comparator to sort its entities. Since Bookmark List Screenlet supports comparators, you’ll see more of this as you progress through this tutorial.

  • getPageRowCountRequest: Retrieves the number of entities, to enable pagination. In the example BookmarkListInteractor, this method first uses the args parameter to get the ID of the folder in which to count bookmarks. It then calls BookmarksEntryService’s getEntriesCount method to retrieve the number of bookmarks:

      protected Integer getPageRowCountRequest(Object... args) throws Exception {
          long folderId = (long) args[0];
          if (LiferayServerContext.isLiferay7()) {
              return new BookmarksEntryService(getSession()).getEntriesCount(groupId, folderId);
          } else {
              return new
                  getSession()).getEntriesCount(groupId, folderId);
  • createEntity: Returns an instance of your event that contains the server call’s results. This method receives the results as Map<String, Object>, which it uses to instantiate your model class. It then uses this model instance to create the event object. In the example BookmarkListInteractor, this method passes the Map<String, Object> to the Bookmark constructor. It then uses the resulting Bookmark to create and return a BookmarkEvent:

      protected BookmarkEvent createEntity(Map<String, Object> stringObjectMap) {
          Bookmark bookmark = new Bookmark(stringObjectMap);
          return new BookmarkEvent(bookmark);
  • getIdFromArgs: a boilerplate method that returns the value of the first object argument as a string. This serves as a cache key for offline mode:

      protected String getIdFromArgs(Object... args) {
          return String.valueOf(args[0]);

    You must implement this method even if you don’t intend to support offline mode in your Screenlet. Having this method in your Interactor class makes it simpler to add offline mode functionality later. Supporting offline mode in your Screenlets is addressed in detail in a separate tutorial.

To see the complete BookmarkListInteractor class, click here.

Next, you’ll create the Screenlet class.

Creating the Model Class

Creating the View

Creating the Screenlet Class

« Creating the ViewCreating the Screenlet Class »
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