Creating the Screenlet Class

Recall from the basic Screenlet creation tutorial that the Screenlet class serves as your Screenlet’s focal point. It governs the Screenlet’s behavior and is the primary component the app developer interacts with. As with non-list Screenlets, you should first define any XML attributes that you want to make available to the app developer. For example, Bookmark List Screenlet defines the following attributes:

  • groupId: the ID of the site containing the Bookmarks portlet
  • folderId: the ID of the Bookmarks portlet folder to retrieve bookmarks from
  • comparator: the name of the comparator to use to sort the bookmarks

The Screenlet defines these attributes in its res/values/bookmark_attrs.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <declare-styleable name="BookmarkListScreenlet">
        <attr name="groupId"/>
        <attr name="folderId"/>
        <attr format="string" name="comparator"/>

Now you’re ready to create your Screenlet class. Because the BaseListScreenlet class provides the basic functionality for all Screenlet classes in list Screenlets, including methods for pagination and other default behavior, your Screenlet class must extend BaseListScreenlet with your model class and Interactor as type arguments.

For example, Bookmark List Screenlet’s Screenlet class–BookmarkListScreenlet–extends BaseListScreenlet parameterized with Bookmark and BookmarkListInteractor:

public class BookmarkListScreenlet 
    extends BaseListScreenlet<Bookmark, BookmarkListInteractor> {...

You must also create instance variables for the XML attributes that you want to pass to your Interactor. For example, recall that the request methods in BookmarkListInteractor receive two Object arguments: the folder ID and the comparator. The BookmarkListScreenlet class must therefore contain variables for these parameters so it can pass them to the Interactor:

private long folderId;
private String comparator;

For constructors, leverage the superclass constructors. For example, here are BookmarkListScreenlet’s constructors:

public BookmarkListScreenlet(Context context) {

public BookmarkListScreenlet(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
    super(context, attrs);

public BookmarkListScreenlet(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {
    super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);

public BookmarkListScreenlet(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr, 
    int defStyleRes) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);

Now you must implement the error method. This is a boilerplate method that uses a listener in the Screenlet framework to propagate any exception, and the user action that produced it, that occurs during the service call. This method does this by checking for a listener and then calling its error method with the Exception and userAction:

public void error(Exception e, String userAction) {
    if (getListener() != null) {
        getListener().error(e, userAction);

Next, override the createScreenletView method to read the values of the XML attributes you defined earlier and create the Screenlet’s View. Recall from the basic Screenlet creation tutorial that this method assigns the attribute values to their corresponding instance variables. For example, the createScreenletView method in BookmarkListScreenlet assigns the folderId and comparator attribute values to variables of the same name. This method also sets the local variable groupId. Recall that the Screens framework propagates this variable to your Interactor. Finish the createScreenletView method by calling the superclass’s createScreenletView method. This instantiates the View for you:

protected View createScreenletView(Context context, AttributeSet attributes) {
    TypedArray typedArray = context.getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(attributes, 
        R.styleable.BookmarkListScreenlet, 0, 0);
    groupId = typedArray.getInt(R.styleable.BookmarkListScreenlet_groupId, 
        (int) LiferayServerContext.getGroupId());
    folderId = typedArray.getInt(R.styleable.BookmarkListScreenlet_folderId, 0);
    comparator = typedArray.getString(R.styleable.BookmarkListScreenlet_comparator);

    return super.createScreenletView(context, attributes);

Next, override the loadRows method to start your Interactor and thereby retrieve the list rows from the server. This method takes an instance of your Interactor as an argument, which you use to call the Interactor’s start method. Note that the Interactor inherits start from BaseListInteractor. You can also use the loadRows method to execute any other code that you want to run when the Interactor starts. For example, the loadRows method in BookmarkListScreenlet first retrieves a listener instance so it can call the listener’s interactorCalled method. It then starts the server operation to retrieve the list rows by calling the Interactor’s start method with folderId and comparator:

protected void loadRows(BookmarkListInteractor interactor) {

    ((BookmarkListListener) getListener()).interactorCalled();

    interactor.start(folderId, comparator);

Note that if your Interactor doesn’t require arguments, then you can pass the start method 0 or null. Calling start with no arguments, however, causes the server call to fail.

Lastly, override the createInteractor method to instantiate your Interactor. Since that’s all this method needs to do, call your Interactor’s constructor and return the new instance. For example, BookmarkListScreenlet’s createInteractor method returns a new BookmarkListInteractor:

protected BookmarkListInteractor createInteractor(String actionName) {
    return new BookmarkListInteractor();

You’re done! Your Screenlet is a ready-to-use component that you can use in your app. You can even package your Screenlet and contribute it to the Screens project, or distribute it in Maven Central or jCenter.

Creating the Model Class

Creating the View

Creating the Interactor

« Creating the InteractorUsing the List Screenlet »
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