Reconfiguring Components to Use Your OSGi Service

In many cases, assigning your custom service (service) a higher ranking convinces components to unbind from their current service and bind to yours. In other cases, components keep using their current service. Why is that? And how do you make components adopt your service? The component’s service reference policy option is the key to determining the service.

Here are the policy options:

greedy: The component uses the matching, highest ranking service as soon as it’s available.

reluctant: The component uses the matching, highest ranking service available in the following events:

  • the component is (re)activated
  • the component’s existing referenced service becomes unavailable
  • the component’s reference is modified so that it no longer matches the existing bound service

In short, references with greedy policy options adopt your higher ranking service right away, while ones with reluctant policy options require particular events. What’s great is that Liferay DXP’s Configuration Admin lets you use configuration files (config files) or the API to swap in service reference changes on the fly. Here you’ll use a config file to reconfigure a service reference to use your custom service immediately.

This tutorial uses example modules override-my-service-reference and overriding-service-reference to demonstrate reconfiguring a service reference, binding the component to a different service. You can download the modules and build them using Gradle (bundled with each module) or you can apply the tutorial steps to configure your own customization. Executing gradlew jar in each example module root generates the module JAR to the build/libs folder.

  • override-my-service-reference (download): This module’s portlet component OverrideMyServiceReferencePortlet’s field _someService references a service of type SomeService. The reference’s policy is static and reluctant. By default, it binds to an implementation called SomeServiceImpl.

  • overriding-service-reference (download): Provides a custom SomeService implementation called CustomServiceImpl. The module’s configuration file overrides OverrideMyServiceReferencePortlet’s SomeService reference so that it binds to CustomServiceImpl.

You’re ready to reconfigure a component’s service reference to target your custom service.

Reconfiguring the Service Reference

Liferay DXP’s Configuration Admin lets you use configuration files to swap in service references on the fly.

  1. Create a system configuration file named after the referencing component. Follow the name convention [component].config, replacing [component] with the component name. The configuration file name for the example component is:
  2. In the configuration file, add a reference target entry that filters on your custom service. Follow this format for the entry:


    Replace [reference] with the name of the reference you’re overriding. Replace [filter] with service properties that filter on your custom service.

    This example filters on the service property:"(\=overriding.service.reference.service.CustomServiceImpl)" 

    This example filters on the service.vendor service property:"(service.vendor\=Acme, Inc.)"
  3. Optionally, you can add a cardinality.minimum entry to specify the number of services the reference can use. Here’s the format:


    Here’s an example cardinality minimum:

  4. Deploy the configuration by copying the configuration file into the folder [Liferay_Home]/osgi/configs.

Executing scr:info on your component shows that the custom service is now bound to the reference.

For example, executing scr:info reports the following information:

Component Description:
  Reference: _someService
    Interface Name:
    Cardinality: 1..1
    Policy: static
    Policy option: reluctant
    Reference Scope: bundle
  Component Configuration:
    ComponentId: 2399
    State: active
    SatisfiedReference: _someService
      Target: (
      Bound to:        6841
   = (
   = 2398
   = overriding.service.reference.service.CustomServiceImpl
            objectClass = []
            service.bundleid = 525
   = 6841
            service.scope = bundle
      Component Configuration Properties: = (

The example component’s _someService reference targets the custom service component overriding.service.reference.service.CustomServiceImpl. CustomServiceImpl references default service SomeServiceImpl to delegate work to it.

Figure 1: Because the example components service reference is overridden by the configuration file deployment, the portlet indicates its calling the custom service.

Figure 1: Because the example component's service reference is overridden by the configuration file deployment, the portlet indicates it's calling the custom service.

Liferay DXP processed the configuration file and injected the service reference, which in turn bound the custom service to the referencing component!

OSGi Services and Dependency Injection with Declarative Services

Finding Extension Points

Using Felix Gogo Shell

« Creating a Custom OSGi ServiceOverriding Language Keys »
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