Registering a SAML Service Provider

Setting up Liferay DXP as a SAML Identity Provider is only useful if you can connect to one or more SAML Service Providers. Navigate to the Service Provider Connections tab of the SAML Admin Control Panel entry and click the Add Service Provider button to add a SAML Service Provider.

The New Service Provider page includes these options:

Name: The name of the Service Provider with which to connect. The name can be anything; it’s purely cosmetic.

Entity ID: The Service Provider’s entity ID. This value must match the entity ID declared in the Service Provider metadata.

Enabled: Check this box to activate the Service Provider connection.

Assertion Lifetime: Defines the number of seconds after which the SAML assertion issued by the Identity Provider should be considered expired.

Force Encryption: If the SP does not provide a public key for encrypting the assertions, abort the single sign-on.

Metadata: Provide a URL to the Service Provider metadata XML file or manually upload the Service Provider metadata XML file. If you provide a URL, the XML file is retrieved and periodically polled for updates. The update interval can be configured in System Settings with the Runtime Metadata Refresh Interval (saml.metadata.refresh.interval if using a config file) property which specifies a number of seconds. If fetching the metadata XML file by URL fails, you can’t enable the Service Provider connection. If the Identity Provider server cannot access the metadata via URL, you can upload the XML file manually. In this case, the metadata XML file is not updated automatically.

Name Identifier Format: Choose the Name Identifier Format used in the SAML Response. This should be set according to what the Service Provider expects to receive. For Liferay Service Providers, any selection other than email address indicates that the Name Identifier refers to screen name. The formats don’t have any special meaning to Liferay Identity Providers. The NameID value is defined by the Name Identifier attribute. See the next option.

Name Identifier Attribute Name: This specifies which attribute of the Liferay DXP User object to use as the NameID value. Possible values include emailAddress, screenName and uuid. Additionally, you can prefix the name with static: or expando:. If you use the prefix static, the value is whatever comes after static:. If you use the prefix expando, the value is whatever custom field is specified after expando:. For example, expando:SSN would look up the User custom field with the name SSN.

Attributes Enabled: Include and resolve assertion attributes.

Attributes Namespace Enabled: When this box is checked, the attribute names are namespaced like this:


Attributes: Enter a list of attributes to include in the assertion, one per line. Each line is an expression that gets parsed. Examples:


Note that the full namespace depends on the attribute name. Attribute namespaces can be useful. Use them when attribute names from different namespaces might conflict. For example, expando:user vs urn:liferay:roles:user.

Keep Alive URL: If users are logged into several Liferay DXP SP instances via a Liferay DXP IdP, their sessions can be kept alive as long as they keep a browser window open to one of them. Configure this only if the SP is Liferay DXP. The URL is https://[SP host name]/c/portal/saml/keep_alive.


Verify your settings are correct by connecting the Liferay DXP-based IdP to its first SP. SPs connect to only one IdP, so if the first one doesn’t work, the rest won’t either.

  1. Provide a general name for the SP.

  2. The Entity ID name must be identical to the one declared in the Service Provider metadata.

  3. Check the Enabled checkbox.

  4. Set a value for the Assertion Lifetime.

  5. Choose whether encryption should be required (recommended).

  6. Make sure the SP’s metadata has been provided either as a URL or an XML file has been uploaded.

  7. Make sure Name Identifier Format and Name Identifier Attribute Name have been set.

  8. Make sure Attributes Namespace Enabled has been set.

If you don’t have a Service Provider to add right now, that’s fine. In the next section, you’ll learn how to set Liferay DXP up as a SAML Service Provider. The same instance can’t be both, but after you set up another Liferay DXP instance as a Service Provider, come back to this one and add the Service Provider according to the instructions above.

« Setting up Liferay DXP as a SAML Identity ProviderSetting up Liferay DXP as a SAML Service Provider »
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