Liferay DXP 7.1 SP3 Ships With Lower Version of LCS - v4.2


The 7.1 SP3 build contains LCS v4.2 by default instead of LCS v6.0. This oversight was discovered after the 7.1 SP3 bundle was released and will cause issues for Users upgrading their instance to 7.1 SP3. Please read this article to learn how to mitigate the issue.


After upgrading Liferay DXP 7.1 SP2 to SP3, the console prints the following error due to the LCS version being lower in SP3 than in SP2 (v4.2 compared to v5.0.0+).

ERROR [main][HotDeployImpl:235] Error registering hook for lcs-portlet Error registering hook for lcs-portlet

Affected Version

Liferay DXP 7.1 SP3


Use the following steps to update the LCS application.

  1. Download the latest version of LCS for Liferay DXP 7.1.
  2. Shut down the server running DXP 7.1.
  3. In the Liferay_Home/osgi/marketplace folder, delete the following files:
    • Liferay Connected Services Client - API.lpkg
    • Liferay Connected Services Client - Impl.lpkg
  4. Delete the Liferay_Home/osgi/state directory.
  5. Delete the 'temp' and 'work' directories from the Liferay_Home/tomcat_home folder.
  6. Place the latest LCS .LPKG file from step one into the deploy folder.
  7. Start the server.
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