Commerce 2.1.0 Release Notes

New Features

  • Improved Administration User Experience — Liferay Commerce 2.1 features an updated administration interface that makes the day-to-day work of managing a commerce site easy and efficient.
    • Product, channel, catalog, order, and shipment management have all been updated with a focus on ease of use
    • View and manage product inventory in a brand new unified view where users can see current inventory levels, manage transfers, and see a log of inventory changes over time
    • Assign orders to users for approval from the order management screens
    • View transaction history for payments related to an order
    • Find all notifications related to an order on the order
    • See and manage related shipments on each order
    • Create shipments that include items from multiple orders
  • Improved Subscription Management — Offer subscription plans with flexible control over the subscription intervals and billing schedule. Set up specific plan types to be used across your catalog to better match how your customers prefer to replenish their products.

For a full list of release notes, please navigate to JIRA

Upgrading to 2.1.x from 2.0.x

Please navigate to the official documentation for installation and upgrade instructions

Breaking Changes

See Breaking Changes article for more information and affected properties.

  • COMMERCE-2628: The method getCommerceBookedQuantity inside the class CommerceBookedQuantityLocalService now requires two parameters instead of one.
  • COMMERCE-2687: Order Engine Refactor
  • COMMERCE-2692: The CPInstance field json that holds product options configuration replaced with entity CPInstanceOptionValueRel.
  • COMMERCE-2702: Channels refactor
  • COMMERCE-2780: Concurrency Management for Inventory



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