Liferay Portal 6.2 Guia de Administração
What is Liferay?
- Introduction to What is Liferay?
- Building a site with Liferay Web Content
- Using Liferay Portal as a collaborative platform
- Using Liferay as a social platform
- Using Liferay as a web platform
- Extending and customizing Liferay for your own needs
Web Content Management
- Introduction to Web Content Management
- Touring Liferay Portal's User Interface
- Setting up the Lunar Resort Example Portal
- Leveraging Liferay's Multi-site Capabilities
- Features of Liferay's WCM
- Using Liferay's Workflow with WCM
Advanced Web Content Management
- Introduction to Advanced Web Content Management
- Advanced Content with Structures and Templates
- Managing RSS Feeds in Liferay
- Using Site Templates
- Using Page Templates
- Localization
Configuring Liferay Applications
- Introduction to Configuring Liferay Applications
- Look and Feel
- Export/Import
- Scope
- Archived Setups
- Permissions
Document Management
- Introduction to Document Management
- Getting Started with the Documents and Media Portlet
- Document Types and Metadata Sets
- Alternative File Repository Options
- Using External Repositories
- Configuring the Documents and Media portlet
Targeting Content To Your Audience
- Introduction to Targeting Content To Your Audience
- Installation and Uninstallation
- Managing User Segments
- Managing Campaigns
- Using the Audience Targeting Applications
- Simulating User Segments and Campaigns
Collaboration Suite
- Introduction to Collaboration Suite
- Expressing Yourself Using Blogs
- Managing Events and Calendar Resources with Liferay's Calendar Portlet
- Discuss, Ask, and Answer Using the Message Boards
- Working together with the Wiki
- Find out what others think or do using Polls
Social Networking
- Introduction to Social Networking
- Leveraging Social Portlets, Activities Tracking, and User Connections
- Measuring Social Activity
- Exporting Portal Applications as Widgets and OpenSocial Gadgets
- Integrating with Facebook
- Integrating with Twitter
Liferay Utility Applications
- Introduction to Liferay Utility Applications
- Capturing Web Sites with the Bookmarks Portlet
- Creating Your Own Plugin Repository
- Shopping
- Generating Reports in Liferay
- Knowledge Base
Leveraging the Liferay Marketplace
- Introduction to Leveraging the Liferay Marketplace
- Marketplace Concepts: Users, Companies, and Apps
- Accessing the Liferay Marketplace
- Finding Apps
- Downloading and Installing Apps
- Creating and Uploading Apps