Liferay DXP 7.1 Guia de Administração
What is Liferay DXP
- Introduction to What is Liferay DXP
- Building a site with Liferay Web Experience
- Using Liferay DXP as a collaborative platform
- Using Liferay as a Development Platform
- Extending and customizing Liferay for your own needs
- Conclusion: What Liferay DXP Really Is
Web Experience Management
- Introduction to Web Experience Management
- Authoring Content: Structured and Inline Content
- Building a Site
- Site Management
- Understanding Site Management
- Adding Sites
- Introduction to Collaboration
- Managing Documents and Media
- Publishing Files
- Adding Files to a Document Library
- Creating Folders
- Using the Documents and Media Management Bar
- Introduction to Search
- What's New with Search?
- Configuring Search Pages
- Searching for Assets
- Facets
- Site Facet
- Introduction to Forms
- What's New with Liferay Forms
- Creating and Managing Forms
- Managing Form Entries
- Form Rules
- Action: Show and Hide
- Introduction to Workflow
- Kaleo Designer
- Managing Workflows with Kaleo Designer
- Workflow Definition Nodes
- Affecting the Processing of Workflow Definitions
- Creating Tasks in Kaleo Designer
Targeting Content To Your Audience
- Introduction to Targeting Content To Your Audience
- Managing User Segments
- Categorizing Pages and Content for User Segments
- Managing Campaigns
- Defining Metrics
- Campaign Reports
Managing Users
- Introduction to Managing Users
- Users and Organizations
- Adding, Editing, and Deleting Users
- User Management: Additional Topics
- Organizations
- Managing Organizations