An Object is missing from the Application or Control Panel menu after restarting


  • A custom Object configured to display in the Application or Control Panel menu is missing after restarting the application.
  • The custom Object was previously present with Update 49 installed, but has now disappeared.
    1. Go to Control Panel > Objects
    2. Create an object definition
    3. Add a field to it
    4. For Panel Category Key select Applications > Content
    5. Publish the object definition
      Check Point: You see the object portlet under Applications > Content
    6. Restart
  • The following error is generated in the logs:
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Portlet is null
    com.liferay.object.web.internal.object.entries.application.list.ObjectEntriesPanelApp.<init>( ~[?:?]


  • DXP 7.4 Update 49


  • This is a known issue with Update 49 and is resolved with Update 50.
  • Updating to Update 50 will resolve this issue.
  • LPS-167822
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