Navigating to URL after setting Redirect Pattern is giving 404 error


  • When Redirect Pattern is defined such as below to redirect pages, navigating to the URL gives 404 error instead of redirecting properly.


  • DXP 7.4 u65 and lower


  • By default, patterns defined with / in the front should automatically update to start with ^/ instead when saving.
  • However, if it does not, starting with / may lead to 404 errors, and can be resolved by removing the leading slash in DXP 7.4 u65 or lower.
  • In DXP 7.4 u66 or higher, LPS-175152 has been added to make the leading slash optional.
  • While up to your team's discretion, please note that when looking to only redirect URL's and not necessarily regex patterns, alias redirects are generally recommended instead of using Redirect Patterns when possible.

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