Note: please note that Liferay has renamed its Liferay Experience
Could offerings to Liferay SaaS (formerly LXC) and
Liferay PaaS (formerly LXC-SM).
- When attempting to deploy to Liferay Liferay PaaS, the build fails with the following error message:
Some error has happened during the build. Try again. [{"message":"Bad Request","status":400,"errors":[{"reason":"privateKeyCannotBeParsed","context":{"message":"The SSL private key cannot be parsed"}}]}].
- Liferay PaaS
- This error means that the "key" field in the Webserver's LCP.json file contains invalid or incorrect data.
Make sure these fields are properly formatted or without encrypted data and deploy again.
Common mistakes are:
- Invalid base64 formatting: you MUST format the whole certificate, starting with (and including)
until (and including)-----END CERTIFICATE-----
(the dashes also matter!); - The certificate is not in a supported format: Liferay Cloud only supports RSA-2048 or ECDSA P-256. We do not support RSA-4096.
- Invalid base64 formatting: you MUST format the whole certificate, starting with (and including)