LCD-36592 - Nginx and Plugins Update: Updated the versions for Nginx and several plugins to follow best practices, mitigating potential vulnerabilities unaddressed by older versions.
LCD-37292 - Filter for VPN Activities: Added a filter for VPN activities on the Activities page, allowing users to easily identify VPN related activities. The previous VPN Activities page has been removed and users will be redirected to the Activities page with the VPN filter selected instead.
LCD-37293 - Filter for Secrets Activities: Added a filter for Secrets activities on the Activities page, allowing users to easily identify Secrets related activities. The previous Secrets Activities page has been removed and users will be redirected to the Activities page with the Secrets filter selected instead.
LCD-37770 - Error Page Security Improvement: Addressed a security concern by removing potentially sensitive server information from appearing on error pages, improving our security posture and presenting a more secure user experience.
LCD-38024 -Backup Restore Improvements: Implemented a new backup restore strategy to separate the downloading of the files from the tar processing, improving the reliability of backup restores and reducing the likelihood of hanging.
Bug Fixes
LCD-38594 - Fixed Deployment Issue: Fixed an issue where a Liferay deployment would fail on certain environments, improving the reliability of deployments.