Let’s look at the directory structure of a layout template project and learn about its various files:
Navigate to your Plugins SDK’s layouttpl/
folder and you’ll see that the
Plugins SDK automatically appended -layouttpl to your project’s name. A layout
template project can contain multiple layout templates. The directory structure
is the same, but you’ll have a .png
, .tpl
, and .wap.tpl
file for each
layout template in the docroot/
folder. The liferay-*
files describe the
layout templates for packaging and deployment.
Now that you’re well-versed on the anatomy of a layout template, let’s explore the layout template files.
Layout template files
One or more layout template plugins can reside in a layout template project. Let’s see what each template file does:
: Generates the HTML structure of the template.[project-name].wap.tpl
: Variant template for mobile devices. WAP stands for wireless application protocol.[project-name].png
: Thumbnail representation of the template that you see in Liferay Portal from the Page Layout screen. You’ll have to create the thumbnail image, but you can use the default PNG for layout templates as a starting point.
Figure 6.2: Default layout template thumbnail
Let’s move on to Liferay configuration files.
Liferay configuration files
In addition to the three template-specific files, a layout template project has two Liferay configuration files:
: Specifies the name of the layout templates and the location of their TPL and PNG files.liferay-plugin-package.properties
: Describes the plugin project to Liferay’s hot deployer.
Now that you’re familiar with the layout template’s files and directory structure, let’s deploy a layout template on the server.
Deploying Layout Templates
If you’ve ever deployed a theme or portlet, you already know how to deploy layout templates! Use Developer Studio or the terminal to deploy your layout templates:
Deploying in Developer Studio: Drag your layout template project onto your server.
Deploying in the terminal: If you’re using Ant, execute the following command from your layout template project directory:
ant deploy
If you’re using Maven, please refer to this guide’s section on deploying Liferay plugins with Maven.
When deploying your plugin, the server displays messages indicating that your plugin was read, registered, and is now available for use.
Example server output:
Reading plugin package for columns-1-4-1-layouttpl
Registering layout templates for columns-1-4-1-layouttpl
1 layout template for columns-1-4-1-layouttpl is available for use
Wait a minute! We can deploy the template, but we still haven’t designed it. We’ll need to add content to the TPL files that were generated when we created our layout template.