The Portal Section of the Control Panel

The Portal section of the control panel is used for most administrative tasks. You’ll find there an interface for the creation and maintenance of the following portal entities: users, organizations, user groups, sites, teams, site templates, page templates, and roles. Additionally, you can configure many settings, including the following: password policies, portal settings, custom fields, monitoring, and plugins configuration.

Figure 15.1: The Portal Section of the control panel allows portal administrators to manage users, organizations, sites, teams, site templates, page templates, and roles, as well as various portal settings.

Figure 15.1: The Portal Section of the control panel allows portal administrators to manage users, organizations, sites, teams, site templates, page templates, and roles, as well as various portal settings.

Since we explained how to manage sites, teams, site templates, and page templates in chapters 2 and 3, we won’t discuss them in detail here. In this chapter, we’ll focus on using the control panel for user management. We’ll finish our coverage of the control panel in the next chapter, discussing portal and server administration.

As a portal administrator, you’ll use the Portal section of the control panel to create your portal structure, implement security, and administer your users. Configurable portal settings include mail host names, email notifications and authentication options including single sign-on and LDAP integration. Note that only users with the administrator role, which is a portal scoped role, have permission to view this section of the control panel. You can, of course, grant permissions to one or more sections to custom roles.

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