Custom Fields

Have you ever wondered why there’s no Head Circumference field in the form for adding users to Liferay DXP? Probably because most sites based on Liferay DXP don’t need it. However, as an administrator at the Lunar Resort, you certainly need to know the head circumference of your users so they can be provided with a properly fitting helmet.

Many of Liferay DXP’s assets and resources are designed to let you add new fields to their edit forms. Here’s the complete list:

  • Blogs Entry
  • Bookmarks Entry
  • Bookmarks Folder
  • Calendar Booking
  • Document
  • Documents Folder
  • Message Boards Category
  • Message Boards Message
  • Organization
  • Page
  • Role
  • Site
  • User
  • User Group
  • Web Content Article
  • Web Content Folder
  • Wiki Page

Adding Custom Fields

To add custom fields, find the Custom Fields entry beneath the Control Panel’s Configuration heading.

To add a custom field to one of the listed entities,

  1. Choose a resource by clicking on it.

  2. Click the add (Add) button.

  3. Add a Key.

  4. Choose the type of field you want to add.

    Figure 1: At The Lunar Resort, a Head Circumference field is necessary for all users.

    Figure 1: At The Lunar Resort, a Head Circumference field is necessary for all users.

  5. Click Save.

That’s it.

Once you have a custom field for a resource, go find it in the UI of the resource. First find the UI location for the resource, and all its custom fields are displayed in a Custom Fields panel. For example, consider the Users UI:

Navigate to Control Panel → Users and Organizations. Once there click on a User to open the Edit User form. Open the form’s Miscellaneous tab and expand the Custom Fields panel. Your custom field is there (its title is whatever you specified in the Key field), ready to be filled out.

Figure 2: The Edit User forms Custom Fields panel is found in the
Miscellaneous tab.

Figure 2: The Edit User form's Custom Fields panel is found in the Miscellaneous tab.

Editing a Custom Field

You can’t change the key or field type of a custom field, but you can delete it and create a new one if necessary. Additionally, once you create the custom field, there are properties you can configure. For example, here’s the Head Circumference field’s edit page:

Figure 3: Custom Fields can be configured after you create them. The exact
options depend on the field type you choose.

Figure 3: Custom Fields can be configured after you create them. The exact options depend on the field type you choose.

Edit an individual custom field’s permissions by clicking the field’s kebab menu (Actions), then Permissions. Permission can be granted or removed for these actions:

  • Delete
  • Permissions
  • Update
  • View

Figure 4: You can delete a custom field, edit it, or configure its

Figure 4: You can delete a custom field, edit it, or configure its permissions.

Custom fields make many of Liferay DXP’s entities extensible directly from the administrative user interface. Use them as is, or combine them with some back-end code, and you have yet another powerful, flexible feature at your disposal. As they’re fond of saying at The Lunar Resort, “The sky is certainly not the limit.”

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