Integrating with Twitter

Liferay Portal also provides integration with Twitter via the Twitter app on Liferay Marketplace. Once you register your Twitter username with the app, your tweets are shown in your Activities portlet along with your activity feed. Make sure that you get the appropriate version of the app for your Liferay instance. The Twitter CE app is intended for Liferay Portal CE, while the Twitter EE app is intended for Liferay Portal EE.

There are two ways to register your Twitter username with the app after you install it. The first is through the Twitter portlet after you add it to a page. Click the link in the portlet and then enter your Twitter username in the Twitter field. Alternatively, from the Dockbar select UserMy AccountSocial Network and then enter your Twitter username in the Twitter field.

Figure 10.29: Register your Twitter account.

Figure 10.29: Register your Twitter account.

It’s important to note that your tweets are displayed only in an Activities portlet. If you want your tweets to show up on a page, there must be an Activities portlet on it. Also, you need to wait a few minutes after registering your Twitter username for your tweets to show up. Keep in mind that the Activities portlet shows your tweets in order according to the date and time that you originally made them. Therefore, if you haven’t tweeted in a while, then your tweets might be pushed off the Activities feed by more recent activity. You can change the number of items shown in the Activities feed in the portlet’s Configuration.

Figure 10.30: Your tweets are displayed in an Activities portlet.

Figure 10.30: Your tweets are displayed in an Activities portlet.

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