The Kaleo Forms Display portlet makes use of the workflow processes that you create in the Kaleo Forms Admin portlet. Add the Kaleo Forms Display portlet to a page if you haven’t done so yet. Any forms available for processing through the workflow can be initiated through the Submit New button, as the below image indicates.
Figure 13.14: The Kaleo Forms Display portlet.
To initiate a process in the workflow, click Submit New → Lunar Resort News Content. The portlet now displays the form you assigned to the first task in your workflow. Fill out the form and click Save.
Figure 13.15: Submitting a new process.
The workflow now automatically guides the form on to the next step. For example, if you submit a new process using the Single Approver process created in the section above, it is assigned automatically to the Portal Content Reviewer role. If you are a Portal Content Reviewer, the task then appears in the Assigned to My Roles section of the Kaleo Forms Display portlet, and you receive a notification in your Dockbar. You can then assign it to yourself using the portlet and complete the task.
Figure 13.16: The workflow automatically assigns the task to a specific role.