Introduction to Liferay Frameworks

Picture a hot, summer day. You’re on vacation, and you’re just coming back from the beach after a day of frolicking on the sand and in the water. After all that activity, you’re hungry. Time to grill up some burgers and dogs.

To grill hamburgers and hot dogs, you have to have a proper procedure and apparatus for accomplishing the task. The procedure would be called an algorithm in computer science terms. The apparatus is the framework.

You first need a grill. That grill should be equipped with a heating mechanism; in the case of most grills, that’s either charcoal or propane gas. Obviously, it also has a metal frame, or grill, placed near the heat. You also need tools, such as a spatula, a plate to hold the meat, and if you’re making chicken in addition to those burgers, a brush and some barbecue sauce.

All of these together form a framework for making grilled food on a hot summer day. All the tools you need are at your disposal; you just need to pick them up and get grilling! If the framework is already in place, it’s obviously a lot easier (and more timely) to cook food than it would be if the framework weren’t there. Just ask the cave men.

Liferay contains several frameworks that give you all the tools you need to perform various common tasks, such has handling permissions, letting users enter comments, categories, and tags, and other common tasks that Liferay doesn’t make you have to write yourself.

Here’s what we’ve got in store for you:

  • Security and Permissions
  • Asset Framework
  • File Storage Framework
  • Other Frameworks

Let’s start by getting acquainted with a framework that nobody relishes having to write themselves: security.

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