
In this chapter, we examined Liferay’s Documents and Media Library, a powerful and customizable virtual shared drive. Liferay 6.1 introduced the ability to mount multiple external repositories to the Documents and Media library. The Documents and Media library can be used to store files of any kind. The Documents and Media Display portlet is meant to be configured to show chosen hierarchies of folders and files from the Documents and Media library. The Media Gallery is meant for presenting media files such as images or videos.

Document types and metadata sets provide a flexible way to distinguish between different types of files and to define custom metadata fields for them. Document previews are automatically generated by default, but Liferay supports integration with external tools that offer greater speed, higher quality, and additional functionality. Finally, we discussed Liferay Sync, an add-on product for Liferay 6.1 that allows your Liferay server to directly synchronize files on users’ desktop and mobile environments.

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