Introduction to Leveraging the Asset Framework

Any type of content in Liferay is considered an asset. In chapters 2 and 3, we already examined Liferay’s most common type of asset: web content. Other types of assets include blog posts, wiki articles, message board posts, bookmarks, and documents. It’s possible for developers to define custom asset types that utilize Liferay’s asset framework. Originally, the asset framework was created to provide a mechanism for adding tags to blog entries, wiki articles, and web content without reimplementing the same functionality multiple times. The asset framework has been greatly extended since then and it now supports tags, categories, vocabularies, comments, ratings, and asset relationships.

This chapter covers the following topics:

  • Tagging and categorizing content
  • Using targeted, single value, and multi-value vocabularies
  • Using Faceted Search
  • Using the Asset Publisher
  • Setting up display pages
  • Adding relationships between assets

The Asset Publisher portlet is designed to display multiple assets. It has quite a few configuration options which we’ll cover in this chapter. By default, abstracts (previews) of recently published assets are displayed by the Asset Publisher portlet and links to their full views are provided. You can configure the Asset Publisher portlet to display a table of assets, a list of asset titles, or the full content of assets. You can also configure the Asset Publisher to display only certain kinds of assets and you choose how many items to display in a list. The Asset Publisher portlet is very useful for displaying chosen types of content, for displaying recent content, and for allowing users to browse content by tags and categories. The Asset Publisher is designed to integrate with the Tags Navigation and Categories Navigation portlets to allow this.

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