Introduction to Targeting Content To Your Audience

Liferay’s Audience Targeting app allows you to divide your audience into user segments, target specific content to different user segments, and create campaigns for different user segments. It also allows you to quickly measure the effectiveness of your campaigns. User segments allow you to configure your website to display different assets to different users. Campaigns allow you to display specific content to different user segments for fixed periods of time. They also allow you to measure the interaction of the targeted user segments with the chosen content.

Suppose you’d like to display advertisements to users of your website. You’d like to display one set of advertisements to one user segment and another set of advertisements to another user segment. Maybe this should dynamically change every week based on your marketing goals. Or maybe you have created several sets of news articles for your website that would be interesting to different user segments. You’d like to display news articles to users based on all the user segments to which they belong.

Liferay’s Audience Targeting app, available from Liferay Marketplace, allows you to create multiple user segments which are defined by multiple rules based on session attributes, profile attributes, behavior, and information from social networks. Developers can easily create additional rules and rule types with minimal coding efforts. The Audience Targeting App also allows you to create campaigns that target a specific user segment. Campaigns last for fixed periods of time and each campaign has a priority. If you are running several campaigns on your website at the same time, the priority field determines which campaign takes precedence. Campaigns allow you to configure different assets to be displayed at different periods of time to the targeted user segment.

The Audience Targeting App adds an Audience Targeting section to the Configuration section of the Site Administration area of the Control Panel and an Audience Targeting Simulator to the Dockbar. The following three applications are also included with the Audience Targeting app:

  • User Segment Content Display
  • User Segment Content List
  • Campaign Content Display

You can add these applications to any portal page. In the next sections, we’ll explain how to use the Audience Targeting section of the Configuration section of the Site Administration area of the Control Panel to manage user segments and campaigns. Then we’ll explain how to use each of Audience Targeting applications and the Audience Targeting Simulator.

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