Once you know the basics of creating workflow definitions with the workflow Designer, you can get into the details. In this tutorial you’ll learn about Actions and Notifications, two important features your workflow nodes can use. You’ll also learn how to affect the processing of the workflow using Transitions, Forks, Joins, and Conditions.
There are several node types you can use in workflow definitions:
- Task nodes
- Fork and Join nodes
- Condition nodes
- Start nodes
- End nodes
- State nodes
Because they’re the most complex node, and often the meat of your workflow definitions, Task nodes are covered separately.
Fork, Join, and Condition nodes are discussed, along with Transitions, in a tutorial on workflow processing, since they’re used for affecting the processing of the workflow.
This tutorial discusses State nodes, Start nodes, and End nodes, along with Actions and Notifications.
Node Actions and Notifications
Any node can have Actions and Notifications.
Actions do additional processing before entering the node, after exiting a node, or once a task node is assigned. They’re configured by accessing a node’s Properties tab, then double clicking Actions.
Figure 1: You can add an Action to a Task node.
The Single Approver workflow contains an Update task with an action written in Groovy that sets the status of the asset as denied, then sets it to pending.
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.workflow.WorkflowStatusManagerUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.workflow.WorkflowConstants;
WorkflowStatusManagerUtil.updateStatus(WorkflowConstants.getLabelStatus("denied"), workflowContext);
WorkflowStatusManagerUtil.updateStatus(WorkflowConstants.getLabelStatus("pending"), workflowContext);
Why would the action script first set the status to one thing and then to another like that? Because for some assets, the denied status sends the asset creator an email notification that the item has been denied.
The end node in your workflow definition has an action configured on it by default, on entry to the end node:
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.workflow.WorkflowStatusManagerUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.workflow.WorkflowConstants;
WorkflowStatusManagerUtil.updateStatus(WorkflowConstants.getLabelStatus("approved"), workflowContext);
This is a Groovy script that updates the status to approved, since that’s usually the goal of a workflow process.
You can do something simple like the actions above, or you can be as creative as you’d like.
It’s good to assign a task to a user, and it’s even more useful if the user is notified about workflow tasks.
Notifications are sent to tell task assignees that the workflow needs attention or to update asset creators on the status of the process. They can be sent for tasks or any other type of node in the workflow. To set up notifications, double click on Notifications in a node’s Properties tab and create a notification.
Figure 2: You can send a Notification from a Task node.
You must specify the Notification Type, and you can choose User Notification or Email. You can use Freemarker if you need a template, or you can choose to write a plain text message.
Here’s a basic Freemarker template that reports the name of the asset creator and the type of asset in the notification:
${userName} sent you a ${entryType} for review in the workflow.
You can also choose to link the sending of the notification to entry into the node (On Entry), when a task is assigned (On Assignment), or when the workflow processing is leaving a node (On Exit). You can configure multiple notifications on a node.
Commonly, the assignment and notification settings are teamed up so a user receives a notification when assigned a task in the workflow. To do this, choose Task Assignees under Recipient Type when configuring the notification.
Start and End Nodes
Start and end nodes kick off the workflow processing and bring the asset to its final, approved state. Often you can use the default start and end nodes without modification. If you want to do some more processing (in the case of a start node), add an action to the node using the Properties tab as described in the section on Actions above.
End nodes have a default action that sets the workflow status to Approved using the Groovy scripting language:
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.workflow.WorkflowStatusManagerUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.workflow.WorkflowConstants;
WorkflowStatusManagerUtil.updateStatus(WorkflowConstants.getLabelStatus("approved"), workflowContext);
Add more to the action script if you need to do additional processing.
By default, there’s a transition connecting the start node and end node, but you’ll probably want to delete it, since most workflows don’t proceed straight from the initial state to approved.
State Nodes
State nodes can have Notifications and Actions. The default end node added by workflow Designer is a pre-configured state node that sets the workflow status to Approved. Perhaps you want to create a node that sets the status to Expired. You could create a state node for it by dragging one onto your workflow Designer canvas, then configuring an action in it that sets the status to Expired. Here’s what it would look like in Groovy:
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.workflow.WorkflowStatusManagerUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.workflow.WorkflowConstants;
WorkflowStatusManagerUtil.updateStatus(WorkflowConstants.getLabelStatus("expired"), workflowContext);
Next, you’ll learn to do parallel processing using fork and join nodes.