Detecting Unresolved OSGi Components

Liferay DXP includes Gogo shell commands that come in handy when trying to diagnose a problem due to an unresolved OSGi component. The specific tools to use depend on the component framework of the unresolved component. Most Liferay DXP components are developed using Declarative Services (DS), also known as SCR (Service Component Runtime). An exception to this is Liferay DXP’s Service Builder services, which are Dependency Manager (DM) components. Both Declarative Services and Dependency Manager are Apache Felix projects.

The unresolved component troubleshooting instructions are divided into these sections:

Declarative Services Components

Start with DS, since most Liferay DXP components, apart from Service Builder components, are DS components. Suppose one of your bundle’s components has an unsatisfied service reference. How can you detect this? Two ways:

Declarative Services Unsatisfied Component Scanner

Here’s how to enable the unsatisfied component scanner:

  1. Create a file com.liferay.portal.osgi.debug.declarative.service.internal.configuration.UnsatisfiedComponentScannerConfiguration.cfg.

  2. Add the following content:

  3. Copy the file into [LIFERAY_HOME]/osgi/configs.

The scanner detects and logs unsatisfied service component references. The log message describes the bundle, the referencing DS component class, and the referenced component.

Here’s an example scanner message:

11:18:28,881 WARN  [Declarative Service Unsatisfied Component Scanner][UnsatisfiedComponentScanner:91]
Bundle {id: 631, name: com.liferay.blogs.web, version: 2.0.0}
    Declarative Service {id: 3333, name: com.liferay.blogs.web.internal.portlet.action.EditEntryMVCRenderCommand, unsatisfied references:
        {name: ItemSelectorHelper, target: null}

The message above warns that the com.liferay.blogs.web bundle’s DS component com.liferay.blogs.web.internal.portlet.action.EditEntryMVCRenderCommand has an unsatisfied reference to a component of type ItemSelectorHelper. The referencing component’s ID (SCR ID) is 3333 and its bundle ID is 631.

ds:unsatisfied Command

Another way to detect unsatisfied component references is to invoke the Gogo shell command ds:unsatisfied.

  • ds:unsatisfied shows all unsatisfied DS components
  • ds:unsatisfied [BUNDLE_ID] shows the bundle’s unsatisfied DS components

To view more detailed information about the unsatisfied DS component, pass the component’s ID to the command scr:info [component ID]. For example, the following command does this for a component with ID 1701:

g! scr:info 1701
*** Bundle: (507)
Component Description:
    Implementation Class:
    Default State: enabled
    Activation: delayed
    Configuration Policy: optional
    Activate Method: activate
    Deactivate Method: deactivate
    Modified Method: -
    Configuration Pid: []
    Service Scope: singleton
    Reference: Duck
        Interface Name:
        Cardinality: 1..1
        Policy: static
        Policy option: reluctant
        Reference Scope: bundle
    Component Description Properties:
        osgi.command.function = foo
        osgi.command.scope = bar
    Component Configuration:
        ComponentId: 1701
        State: unsatisfied reference
        UnsatisfiedReference: Foo
        Target: null
        (no target services)
        Component Configuration Properties: = 1701 =
        osgi.command.function = foo
        osgi.command.scope = bar

In the Component Configuration section, UnsatisfiedReference lists the unsatisfied reference’s type. This bundle’s component isn’t working because it’s missing a Foo service. Now you can focus on why Foo is unavailable. The solution may be as simple as starting or deploying a bundle that provides the Foo service.

Service Builder Components

Service Builder modules are implemented using Spring. Liferay DXP uses the Apache Felix Dependency Manager to manage Service Builder module OSGi components via the Portal Spring Extender module.

When developing a Liferay Service Builder application, you might sometimes have an unresolved Spring-related OSGi component. This can occur if you update your application’s database schema but forget to trigger an upgrade.

These features detect unresolved Service Builder related components.

Unavailable Component Scanner

The OSGi Debug Spring Extender module’s Unavailable Component Scanner reports missing components in modules that use Service Builder. Here’s how to enable the scanner:

  1. Create the configuration file com.liferay.portal.osgi.debug.spring.extender.internal.configuration.UnavailableComponentScannerConfiguration.cfg.

  2. In the configuration file, set the time interval (in seconds) between scans:


  3. Copy the file into [LIFERAY_HOME]/osgi/configs.

The scanner reports Spring extender dependency manager component status on the set interval. If all components are registered, the scanner sends a confirmation message.

11:10:53,817 INFO  [Spring Extender Unavailable Component Scanner][UnavailableComponentScanner:166] All Spring extender dependency manager components are registered

If a component is unavailable, it warns you:

11:13:08,851 WARN  [Spring Extender Unavailable Component Scanner][UnavailableComponentScanner:173] Found unavailable component in bundle com.liferay.screens.service_1.0.28 [516].
Component ComponentImpl[null com.liferay.portal.spring.extender.internal.context.ModuleApplicationContextRegistrator@1541eee] is unavailable due to missing required dependencies: ServiceDependency[interface com.liferay.blogs.service.BlogsEntryService null].

Component unavailability, such as what’s reported above, can occur when DS components and Service Builder components are published and used in the same module. Use separate modules to publish DS components and Service Builder components.

dm na Command

Dependency Manager’s Gogo shell command dm lists all Service Builder components, their required services, and whether each required service is available.

To list unresolved components only execute this Gogo shell command:

dm na

The na option stands for “not available.”


Liferay DXP’s logs report unresolved Service Builder components too. For example, Liferay DXP logs an error when a Service Proxy Factory can’t create a new instance of a Service Builder based entity because a service component is unresolved.

The following code demonstrates using a ServiceProxyFactory class to create a new entity instance:

private static volatile MessageBus _messageBus =
        MessageBus.class, MessageBusUtil.class, "_messageBus", true);

This message alerts you to the unavailable service:

11:07:35,139 ERROR [localhost-startStop-1][ServiceProxyFactory:265] Service "com.liferay.portal.kernel.messaging.sender.SingleDestinationMessageSenderFactory" is unavailable in 60000 milliseconds while setting field "_singleDestinationMessageSenderFactory" for class "com.liferay.portal.kernel.messaging.sender.SingleDestinationMessageSenderFactoryUtil", will retry...

Based on the message above, there’s no bundle providing the service com.liferay.portal.kernel.messaging.sender.SingleDestinationMessageSenderFactory.

Now you can detect unresolved components, DS and DM components, automatically using scanners, manually using Gogo shell commands, and programmatically using a ServiceProxyFactory.

System Check

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