Frequently Asked Questions
- What type of status information is found on the Status Page?
- Where can I find information about past service disruptions and outages?
- Where can I find information about security alerts and vulnerabilities?
- What’s the difference between an “incident” and an “outage”?
- How are third party technologies supported? Where should I report issues with third party technology?
Q: What type of status information is found on the Status Page?
The following services are covered on the Status Page:
- Infrastructure Services
- Database Services
- Storage Services
- Monitoring and Logging Services
- Networking Services
- Liferay Cloud Console
- Liferay Cloud API
- Past Incidents & Descriptions
Q: Where can I find information about past service disruptions and outages?
You can find information about past service disruptions and outages on the Liferay Cloud Status page.
Q: Where can I find information about security alerts and vulnerabilities?
You can find information about past and current security alerts and vulnerabilities for DXP Cloud (and other products) in Help Center’s Security Advisories.
Q: What’s the difference between an “incident” and an “outage”?
An “incident” refers to any issue or problem that affects the product or impeded customer use of the product. And “outage” refers only to the situation where services are largely non-functioning or inaccessible to the customer.
Q: How are third party technologies supported? Where should I report issues with third party technology?
While you are still invited to submit a ticket for incidents involving third party technologies, Liferay Cloud is not generally responsible for third party technology incidents (subject to your legal agreement with Liferay). Please see your legal agreement or “Support Exclusions”.