Liferay Docker Images

Liferay provides official Docker images for some Liferay products and seeks to certify the application container operation of Liferay software. Container runtime, storage, and networking elements necessary to the operation of Liferay software in a container environment are tested prior to the release of a Liferay Docker image, but the selection and configuration of these elements is the responsibility of the customer.

Support coverage for the official Liferay Docker images is distinct from virtualization and container technologies such as container orchestration engines, container runtimes, or container engines (e.g., Docker Engine or Kubernetes). For the support coverage of these technologies please see the Container and Virtualization Technologies article.

The application container operations are documented in the official documentation for Liferay products. Elements necessary to the operation of Liferay software in a container environment are documented at a basic, proof of concept level in our official Liferay Docker image documentation. Any issues reported with these necessary elements will be verified using these basic, proof of concept examples. Any issues which require a variation of this configuration or more advanced configuration are the responsibility of the customer.

While issues with the images may be reported, Subscription Services is not required to offer assistance with building the Liferay Docker images using the liferay-docker repository scripts. For Docker images created by parties other than Liferay, please see the Container and Virtualization Technologies article. For Docker images created using the Liferay Workspace see Child and Custom Images.

Note on image tags: For a breakdown of Liferay's docker image tag naming convention see Liferay DXP Docker Image Tags

Child and Custom Images

Child images can be created using the official Liferay Docker image. All reported image and product issues will be diagnosed using the official Liferay Docker image at the reported tag or fix pack level.

Using Liferay Workspace it is possible to create a custom Docker image. The official documentation for Liferay Workspace determines the intended functionality of the image creation process.

If an issue occurs while utilizing the product, a child image, or a custom image, then the reported issue will enter the Diagnostic Workflow. The goal of the Diagnostic Workflow is to reproduce reported issues in an uncustomized environment or an environment modified in accordance with the documentation.

The Container and Virtualization Technologies support coverage article also applies to Docker images created or modified by parties other than Liferay or modified without using Liferay Workspace.

Fix Delivery

Liferay seeks to resolve issues reported with the Liferay software through the normal fix delivery process for that product. Issues reported with the Liferay Docker images may be resolved with the release of a new image containing a new fix pack or entry point configuration. Liferay does not guarantee that the issue will be resolved in the customer’s image tag or image fix pack level. The issue may be resolved in the most recent image tag or most recent fix pack level.

Fix Packs

Images for each fix pack bundle are released on a regular basis. The goal is to release the corresponding docker image shortly after the fix pack is available. In order to obtain a higher fix pack please reference the image tags listed in Liferay’s Docker hub repository. Images cannot be updated to the latest fix pack through the Patching Tool. Liferay Docker images are only compatible with hotfix and security fix patching.

Hotfixes and Security Fixes

If a customer can not wait for a new image with the latest fix pack, or it is not feasible for them to update to that fix pack level, Liferay Docker images are compatible with hotfix and security fix patching. For more information, please see the Liferay Docker Security Policy.

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