Patching Tool 3 selects older patch in the patches folder to Install
Jay L.
Patching Tool 3 selects older patch instead of the newest/latest in the patches folder to install
I have more than one hotfix in the patches folder, and Patching Tool 3 selects the older one to install
Patching Tool 3
Keep only the needed patches in the Patches folder
For Example: If you have DXP-1 and hotfix-2 installed. If you receive new hotfix-3, it should be the only hotfix present in the patches folder on install.
This is a known issue with the Patch filter logic. Note, that this issue does not affect the actual logic of patch installation and will not result in accidentally installing multiple hotfixes, or anything of that nature.
This patch filter logic will be fixed in a future release of Patching Tool so that multiple patches can be present in the patches folder, and the Patching Tool with the latest FP/hotfix being selected.