Setup Liferay’s document management with an Amazon S3 as a repository
Kanchan Bisht
How to set up Liferay to use Amazon S3 storage instead of local storage and provide access information to S3.
Liferay DXP 7.2
Steps to follow :
Amazon S3 requires a'SAXParser'from the application server to operate. Apache Tomcat meets this requirement, therefore, the below property only needs to be added in a''file
Amazon’s Simple Storage Service (S3) is a cloud-based storage solution that can be used with Liferay.
An Amazon Web Services (AWS) account is needed and then setup is very easy. After registering for an account, Amazon assigns some credentials (Access Key ID & Secret Key) via AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM). When creating an S3 bucket, you will be provided with a Bucket Name. All of these should be set as configuration values in Liferay.
Then the documents can be stored in the cloud from Liferay Application Server(s), seamlessly.