Liferay DXP Docker Image Tags

This article explains  Liferay's DXP docker image versioning format, image tag types and their implications. Liferay DXP docker images can be found on Docker Hub here.

Anatomy of a Image Version

{Liferay DXP Major/Minor Version}-{Liferay Release Type}-{Image Version}-{Build Time and Date}

Liferay DXP Major/Minor Version

For example 7.4.13. The 7.4 refers to the major version while the .13 refers to the minor.

Changes to the major Liferay version (e.g. "7.3.x" to "7.4.x") are major version changes that require portal schema version upgrade processes and module schema version upgrade processes using the DB Upgrade Tool.

Changes in the minor version (e.g. "7.4.10" to "7.4.13") are version changes in the Community Edition which contain portal schema version upgrade processes and module schema version upgrade processes using the DB Upgrade Tool.

Liferay Release Type

The part of the tag name that follows the Liferay major/minor version is the release type. In general changes in the release type are changes to Liferay on the same major version (i.e. changes to the patch level) and include bug fixes and  product improvements. These Updates contain required and optional module version schema upgrade processes (Upgrade Processes for Fix Pack in DXP 7.3 and Above). The different tag name formats are listed below.

  • Fix Packs Releases (dxp-): 'dxp-3', 'dxp-4' etc. Increments in the fix pack level of a DXP version will be indicated with a change in the "dxp-" portion of the tag. This naming is used where the Liferay DXP version is 7.3.x or below.
  • Update Releases (U): 'u19','u20' etc. Increments in the update level of a DXP versions will be indicated with a change in the "U" portion of the tag. This naming is used where the Liferay version is 7.4.x. Every week, a new update to Liferay 7.4 is published instead of fixpacks / service packs used in previous versions.
  • Service Pack Releases (SP): 'sp2', 'sp3' etc. Increments in the service pack level of a DXP version will be indicated with a change in the sp portion of the tag. This naming is only used where the Liferay version is 7.3.x or below.
  • Community Edition Releases (GA): 'ga1', 'ga2' etc. These are further updates to the community edition. These builds are not supported as an official release of Liferay DXP.
  • Nightly Releases: When 'nightly' is in the tag name as the release type, it means that the release is the most current code committed to the 7.4.x branch for that night. This naming is only used where the Liferay version is 7.4.x. These builds are not supported as official releases of Liferay DXP.
  • Enterprise Preview Releases (EP): 'ep3', 'ep4' etc. These are further updates to the dxp edition of Liferay prior to an official release of a major or minor version. These builds are not supported as official releases of Liferay DXP.

Docker Image Version

The docker image version will have a major version, minor version, and patch version (d3.0.12). 


  • Updates to the major version (d2 to d3) include breaking changes to the docker image. Documentation should be consulted when updating to avoid major issues. For example, an OS change from Apline to Ubuntu would cause the major version of the Docker Image to change.
  • Updates to the minor version are backward compatible improvements such as adding a new library to the image.
  • Finally, changes to the third part of the docker image version (d3.0.10 to d3.0.12) refer to bug fixes in the docker image typically for the scripts included with the image.
  • The docker image changelog can be reviewed here.

Build Time and Date

When an image tag has a string of numbers appended to the end this signifies the build date and time of that image. For example in the tag "7.4.13-u20-d3.0.11-20220414060125", 20220414060125 is the build date and time. To be precise, the numbers are read from left to right as follows: year (2022), month (04), day (14), hour (06), minute (01), second (25).

When an image tag has no date/time, it will only have the Liferay major version and the release type in the tag. This will always point to the most recently published image (highest build time and docker image version) with that same Liferay version and release type.

For example, if the image tag is "7.4.13-u20" it points to the most recently published version of 7.4.13-u20.

Note: Though the image tags without timestamps point to the most recently published versions, due to caching, the Cloud Console will only pull the latest version the first time it is deployed. Subsequent deployments will use the cache to deploy the same version as the previous deployment.

Understanding the 'latest' Tag

Images without the standard tags discussed above will use the 'latest' tag. The latest tag is assigned to the latest DXP update images. For example, if the most recently published update for 7.4 was u25, the image with the latest tag will be the same as the image tagged 7.4.13-u25. 

Please use discretion when using the latest tag and be sure it is the version you need, or that the latest tag is being used for testing purposes and the exact version is not important. To check the current version using the 'latest' tag, please check the bundles.yml file. 

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