How do I manage my team members? (Video Tutorial)

Only Administrators and Partner Managers are able to invite, remove and change a team member’s role. 

To invite a team member: 

  1. Click on the project you’d like to invite the team member to
  2. Navigate to the Team Members page on the left sidebar
  3. Click “Invite” in the top right corner
  4. Enter in the user’s email address and assign a role to them
    1. Please note: For security purposes, free email addresses (example: are not allowed.
  5. Click “Send Invitations” 
  6. Your team members will receive an email to notify them of their new project role.

Note: The number of Support Seats available is showcased at the bottom of the pop up screen. If more support seats are needed, please reach out to your Liferay Contact.

To remove a team member: 

  1. On the Team Members page, select the ellipses icon on the right column of the user you’d like to remove.
  2. Select “Remove”

Important Notes: 

  • Removing an Administrator: Each project always needs to have at least one user in the administrator role. You will not be able to remove a user in the administrator role if there is only one administrator. Please assign another team member as an administrator before removing the current administrator. 
  • Removing a Requestor: If the requestor has any open support tickets, these tickets will be reassigned to the next team member with a requester or administrator role.

To edit a team member’s role:

  1. On the Team Members page, select the ellipses icon on the right column of the user you’d like to edit.
  2. Select “Edit”
  3. Select the correct role
  4. Click “Save”
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